Assalam o alaikum,
Can anyone please shed some light on the present and future situation of d-12? Also what are the prices there like....
A detailed reply is appreciated.
@ R…Sir prices in cda sectors always touch new heights during boom time and if another boom hits the market,it will touch new heights…Btw in which size you are interested?
Well the market is slow, but again while investing in CDA, nothing to worry, market will get better InshAllah.
I am interested in 4080 or 5090.
I already have a plot of 50*90 in g-15.. Is it advisable to sell it and invest in d-12 instead?
whats the situation of g-15
D-12 is right under the foots of Margallas with a feel similar as of E-7. The good part of D-12 is its isolation from main rush area.
The speculation factors which are necessary from an investment point of view which keep investors dreaming for a surge factor are still there in D-12. The Margalla Avenue and CDA future announcement of sectors opening along Margalla Avenue "The C series" would give an added advantage to D-12. The other bright prospect of D-12 is its growing population. The pool is now filled with genuine buyers and construction is at rise.
Although D-12 prices are at the higher side but still it is ZONE-1 which will remain precious.
40x80 in D-12 is falling in the range of 180 - 220 Million.
Your investment in G-15 had still very fine margin to grow being the corner of Zone-2 and having population on rise here as well. It will also give you good return in 2 years time.
But moving from Zone-2 to Zone-1 will always be a better decision.
This D-12 prospects is already discussed in detail
If you are interested to dispose off your 50x90 in G-15 drop an email at
I have a smaller size plot of 30x60. Will its price increase too? My inclination is that D-12 is a posh sector and on side. So smaller plots will not have any substantial gains since D-12 is mostly suitable for people having liberal use of cars to commute. Smaller plot people will have lesser budget and they want to be close to city centers. Hot shots care for green hills but lesser budget people will have problems in commuting.
In short, D-12 is not only for elites but also suitable for them. Good quality oxygen and scenic beauty matters to them. Others can not afford at the expense of gasoline bills.
Any views?
Malik sb,
30x60 is the least size to consider while investing, so you are lucky to have an asset in Zone-1 and that too in future posh sector. For a rally thing yes the bigger chunks do have bigger legs to run but whenever the wave hits , everything take the benifit .
So keep your asset with you and wait for that surge INSHALLAH you will be at a better position.
D-12 is exclusive, no other sector will ever match it and its price will always rise. It is not a bubble like many other societies and projects.
But any idea when prices will start to rise? Though I know its tough question.
I guess dualisation project of Service road north and east will give it a boost.
I mean service roads of E-11.
"30x60 is the least size to consider while investing"
ISBase can you please elaborate.
I am considering to buy 25x50 in D-12 for investment purpose for 3 years. Is it not a good option? Should i go for bigger plot?
Why to consider 30x60 and bigger plots ?
The reason is in a 25x50 or 20x40 size the option for car porch is very limited and the size of rooms is also squeezed.
The one who is spending 1 crore must need a reasonable car porch !
Only consider 25x50 size if it is cornor !
True that.
@ZOL . If you plan to buy 30x60 , I intend to sell. Let me know if interested. I have some ongoing construction in E-11. Would have loved to retain 30x60 D-12 but one should give prime importance to priority.
Which is the best sub sector of d-12..? and whats the price for a corner 40*80 in d-12....?
or any plot with extra land...?
D-12/2 is probably the best one. Ex-CJ also alloted plot there. Nargis Sethi also has. But apart from that, D12/2 is best. D-12/3 is second best. It was great but degraded to some extent due to garbage dump. ( I have heard that it's removed now).
D-12/4 is middle level. D-12/1 is very ordinary level sub-sector.
But it my assessment, experts can shed more light on it.
40x80 price is 2.00 I think. Corner would be even more. Corner 40x80 construction is almost equal to 50x90 plot. Just 7-8% less. So 40x80 corner is usually a great plot to buy or make home.
@ BR malik…Sir d-12/2 was best sometimes ago but now it has been discovered that there is no water underneath d-12/2 so it has depreciated a lot and there is no sale purchase due to this issue…d-12/4 is the best to invest i think…btw a good non corner 40x80 can be grabbed for 18 million now a days…
Really. That's great for 40x80.
My sister's plot is in D-12/2. Houses around the plot have discovered water though in 2nd attempt. So you are right that there is some problem. But my view is that it's not very serious. One of my friend also making house and he got water. But his Neighbour failed. It's very hard terrain.
Yes D-12/4 is great too and nearer to mainland Islamabad through E-11. It's Murree facing view is also great.
But D-12/1 is quite a turn off. Is it my perception or it's with everyone?
You areright malik sb…In my view point d-12/4 s best of all…actually i know couple of cases who were unable to find water and left the construction leaving behind empty structures…