-- USD vs PKR Real Estate:
This best applies to overseas with cash available in USD or pegged currencies (SAR, AED, etc.) for them to reserve that in foreign cash at-least for an year or post budget is best. PKR immediate devaluation (till budget) in inevitable, even if not, real estate prices will be stuck. For investment purposes only, less than 2 years bracket for real estate doesn't sound promising, USD does!
-- PKR to USD Conversion:
Banks, Open Markets etc. could be channel to buy but could be expensive. Alternate can be these bonds/certificates 'Pakistan Banao Certificates' that yield returns both in USD & PKR but I guess there is interest factor involved and their yield is also debatable.
-- USD Investment vs Hoarding
USD investment is all OK, as far as bought through proper channel and kept in USD account. Hoarding USDs and sending them out hits PKR more not USD accounts within PAK. But this is investment, sometimes even legally when you attain financial protection for you and family, you may not be serving the state (ideally). Keeping USD in accounts actually helps state, thats what USD bonds and certificates issues by Govts. do. Its when the USD start to climb due to external factors, your investment grows and is cash-able at immediate instance of need.
-- Real Estate purchasing as End Buyer
This is the right time or just before the budget may be even better, if one wants to buy as end buyer, can hold that for 2+ years at min or want to get rental returns as monthly incomes.
-- Impact of Chasing Hot Money on Economy & Currency
Two IMF men at the core Fin. Minister (Economy) & State Bank Govr. (Currency). What Asad Umer couldnt do, was forced out to bring these men who got that IMF deal in weeks. They are with a task at hand, i.e., to try to generate quick paybacks to IMF and in this Egyptian Model of IMF Package, Hot Money seems easier way out without considering long term impacts on economy. The pursuit for Hot Money will exhaust the already broken economic model of this nation. You will see, at-least basic example:
- Increasing Power Tarrifs,
- Inflation,
- Austerity with decreased growth
- Free float Currency
all these happening simultaneously since we got into this IMF thing
USD due to this Pendamic stimulus package by US Gov. has escalated aggressively. USD Gov. need to borrow more bucks from banks. It may come down a bit but in longer run with economies taking years to recover, USD will grow.
Simple Principle: When the Uncertainty Grows, so does the Green Back!