Contruction cost of 8 marla plaza in phase 7 bahria town

Salam. Could anyone give me a rough estimate of how much it would cost to build 8 marla plaza in bahria town phase 7 rawalpindi?

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It is very difficult to get the estimated cost without structural design. For your information you have to spent amount for structural design, general layout and etc.

After that it depends upon how much steel you are using , and quality of the finishing material however just to give you an idea if your covered area is 9000 sqft you will reach the cost of around 2 crore 70 lac. This include total cost.

Just to give you an idea In Rafi block phase8 we are building one plaza currently which 1200 sqft our estimates are that we will hit 2 crore with average to good finishing material used.


Anees Abbasi