Construction in multi orchards

Multi orchards located near barhama interchange. Near by main city wah cantt.

Pak china economical corridor is also expected to pass infront of it.

More than 12 houses are completed or inprogress.

Multi professional cooperative housing society gifts Rs 1000000/- to its members for construction of house.

Is it wise decision to construct house for self or sale purpose at this time, keeping in mind the location as well as economical rates of plots.

Any comments by experts?

Seems like you are not asking but telling to construct in Multi :slight_smile:

1 Million is a huge amount to be ignored.

@ MR Ehsan

U r right, the question seems the promotion of multi but in fact my aim was not so. Actually i hi-lighted all the positive points.

To me negative point is its location of being on two way road at present.

That is why i asked for comments from experts.