Complicated Division Of Property

Asslaam o Alaikum brothers,

I need some help in clearing some questions regarding property distribution and how Pakistani laws allow that. My question is simple there is a house that belongs to my grand father (now deceased) he has 2 sons, my uncle and my father who are his only children. I will explain in detail the direct heirs to my grand fathers property.

Grandfather owner (deceased)
Son 1 alive, 1 wife, 5 daughters

Son 2 (my father now deceased)
Wife 1 (now deceased) 2 daughters (alive)
Wife 2 (my mother alive) 3 sons (me+2 brothers) 1 daughter (also alive)

My question is how the estate will be divided and what rights do I have to ask for my legal fair share. Also how can I proceed to do that?

Can there be any complications?

First it will be transferred/divided Half Half between your Father and Your Uncle.

Now the Part your Father get will be divided between your Siblings and Mother

If your father died before your grand father’s death then you may have no rights.

@its not simple,he mentions ,his father is deceased so only person alive and who claims it is his uncle and[his uncles sisters],here is the dilemma as if his[applicants father died before his grandfather or after , bcz Pakistan sharia laws will apply only to the alive son as rightful inheritor,which can make things complicated in Pakistan general courts ,where the deceased [applicant’s father] can have inheritors rights for his siblings, ,i my self don’t understand the laws very well so sorry for any inconvenience and misinterpretations, please,