Commoners Flower Valley or BTK???

Dear experts,
Recently there have been advertisements in newspapers about commoners flower valley at murree expressway. The location and installment plan looks quite attractive. I am just wondering if a 10 marla plot there would value more than a 5 marla in btk after 3 years?

I am also interested in this project

Bahria Enclave 1 Kanal Plot is around 180 lakh (if i am not wrong) whereas in this society the same plot is of 48 Lakh and the both socities are next to each other...It looks like this society is having a potential of huge margin within 2/3 years...

Expert to comment please..

I would add another new project "ISLAMABAD ENCLAVE" to be included in the comparison.

Islamabad Enclave 4 Kanal = 11.5 M

All three projects (Bahria Enclave, Islamabad Enclave and Commoners Sky Garden) are within the same vicinity.

Why dont they keep the copy NOC on their website…the layout…the total no of plots in the scheme…though I am interested but such blind investments will encourage projects like BE 1 and 2…phase 9…who will protect if they do bookings for thousand plots on a land of 100s.

@Tanzeel: well said. I think this should be mandatory for all builders/developers to make these information public with the project announcement. Any LDA/CDA/KDA officials there to safeguard public interest?

Excellent point raised by Tanzeel and Muhammad!!

Abdi Sb! I am not aware of this Isb enclave project where 4 Kanal plot is of 11.5M. Could you please send me a link or mention some more details...

I am considering two options

1) DHA Phase 2 Kanal plot in K sector

2) Flower Valley 1 Kanal Plot

DHA Phase 2 is bit expensive but with posession...

Expert to advise the margin extractable within next 2/3 years.

Dear Sohail, following are the links of Islamabad Enclave project.



BTK or CFV i won’t go for either in medium to long run , except very very long run of 10-15 years and that even @ risk attached.

Thank you Abid Bro..

DK what about DHA phase II

what would be the expected margin in next 2 years.

@Sohail Zafar DHA 2 is a nice investment and i wish i can make some investment there , but prices are a bit high now, any how it won’t let some one down in 2-3 years.

Agreed with DK DHA is perhaps the only project where prices remain stable if not increased in this crunch period of downfall. DHA is safe and secure investment and will not let any one down in future.

I am also agree with Dk and AppCake that Dha phase2 is much better,best and safe investment.


Dha = slow and steady rise + plus low risk.

Slow and steady like Dha Valley :stuck_out_tongue:

Commoners sky Gardens is also a safe investment that is 100 percent sure as far as layout and map concerned they will definitely show and its done and approved the thing they are trying to be as safe as they can because dealers are not so credible these days they can sale there files to innocent peoples by showing good location plots on map balloting and map leak out on same day with balloting campaign and advertisements my friends this society legal status is far better then bahria they don’t do single advertisement on or before nocs and they got all land before launched thanks…

Commoners town which is now merged in Dha is there previous project owners of society background is FIA DG bahria golf city entrance from muree expressway comprises only on 1 kanal and there entrance from muree expressway comprises a total area of 36kanal including 400 meter long wired bridge on Korang before bridge and near muree expressway they are giving you apartments on a very compitent rates

@ Jnaid sb..Sir i think you have not observed the trends for the last 1.5 years..Check the price increase..Its almost 100%..private schemes are always risky no matter how reputable they are..

No match bw DHA and CSG..

CSG has yet to show its strength and somehow has risk associated with it..They have old history of launching schemes and selling it to other parties later on.

And other parties don’t enjoy it also there members got benefits from DHA saadi location and rate wise it’s attractive as all its vicinity is bahria sheraton country club there hilly area development cost is much more then plain area the price they are asking is free because as per my knowledge that area development cost by HRL is app 2.5 million per kanal…

If you talk about risk then what about DHA VALLEY

But sir you cannot develop your credibility in market like this because you will be the disposal of that developer who bought that society…Secondly price can be attractive but security of investment is the biggest concern…In the same vicinity fgehf is launching housing society for civil servants and i personally think that fgehf society would be an attractive one to invest due to security of invest…Even some people today raise question about investment security in bahria town,let alone CSG…