Commercial Plot V Residential Plot? Investment Point Of View


Which would be better in terms of investment point of view and why?

Buying in Islamabad....

Commercial possession Plot?


Residential possession Plot?

Which one would give quick return and which is riskier?


In my view commercial definitely is better than residential.

Why? Commercial do cost more…but its only a plot. Can you elaborate further…

Compare any commercial property prices in last 5 years. You will get the answer:)

Im a novice so dunno hence why i asked this question. Is it more cheaper to construct a shop on commercial than building a full house?

Investment is better in terms of plots only.

Building a house or plaza will be much costlier. For a guess, per square feet construction cost now a days is around Rs. 1700/-.

But how often does the price increase tho? On average for example of buying a commercial plot after a year how much do commercial prices increase by?

Also since its commercial, do societies have requirements of how quick they want something to be constructed?

I think there is no requirement for immediate construction for a commercial plot by any society.

No one can predict the exact timeline for increase in plots prices. However, commercial plots prices increase immensely once you see a movement in the market in residential plots.

Kashmiri bhi, as living in islamabad it was my openion that residential property more important than commercial. But my this point of view was changed when i invest in a commercial property and look at its return.commercial property as many many times better return than residential. But one thing should be kept in mind that location is more important to invst in comercial. Specially invest in good cda sectors. If are familiar from islamabad it is good, otherwise some one can suggest good points which can give you best returns. Now a days you can invest in emporium F-10 markaz, and another plaza is starting near PIMS hospital in front of Centaurus it is the best place to invest. Try to invest in the start of any project on booking. It is more valuable. It is my personal experience. If you dont know about this project i can send you the detail you can contact: 03355063653

So how many shops can be built on a 30x30 commercial plot? Can a plaza be built on this?

Or instead shall i go for a 30x60 residential plot?

which one should people recommend? obviously the commercial one is more expensive but as a generic question

Best place to buy commercial plot for less than 30lec