A lot of difficulties are faced by a buyer of a plot who wants immediate construction of house. The involvement of LDA sometimes delays the process unnecessarily for reasons beyond ones control. In the present world of communications things are becoming more easier but not in Pakistan.Why don’t we benefit from the advance technology and provide all facilities to our customers at one place. Let the registered property dealers be officially allowed to complete the whole job no matter with reasonable fee to be paid to them. It will save the customers from many hurdles and difficulties.
yes, transfers in LDA governed communities is a hassle.
Now LDA is moving towards computerisation. For example LDA Avenue 1 and Jubilee Town records are computerized. Now this is a safer investment because there are almost no chances of fraud of any sort. Otherwise, in other LDA projects like Johar Town there were many complaints of cheating, double transfer, wrong files etc.
Dear Abdullah....
There is no hassle at all and with due course all works done and without any problems.
If you can go yourself to LDA one window you will get all things through proper channel and with reasonable time and without any extra payment.....provided if there is no objections or violation of by laws...
You may start your construction even on the slip got from LDA for your lay out approvals which you can get in max 2 to 3 weeks.
On our clients behalf we can do all the process to facilitate the clients and save precious time.
We can offer all kind of Submission drawings,approvals,design and construction services.
If you need do contact us.
Hope that works,an Indian citizen got a computerized Pakistani passport and reported on one the corruption issues in Pakistan (published by ‘The News of the World’. Any thing possible in Pakistan weather it is computerized or non computerized but overall good step in good direction.