Chatha Bakhtawar for Living and Investment

Dear Experts,

Can you please guide on living and investment potential of Chatha Bakhtawar which is located near Park Enclave and also nearer to Chak Shehzad.
In this area, prices are still not high and need your suggestions for anyone who intends to live there with a mediocre budget and not any lavish standards.
How is the legal status of this area and it will be very helpful if you share any plus and minus related to this area.

Anybody having any inputs on this?

Abbasi sb
Chatta Bakhtawar is good place to live. Very near to Aab Para and have multiple entrances to reach
Main Universities are within 15 minute driving & picnic points are close enough.
But plot prices are high…Residential goes to 12 Lacs per marla… minimum 7-8 Lacs Marla.
Buy like any unplanned local locations, you need to check the Patwari papers & do full work on legal stuff before you buy.
Approach is good & not much congestion. I go through Khana bridge & not bad even in rush hours but mine visits are not very frequent.

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Any decent plot will be 13+ to 14 lac a Marla.

Good for those that wanna live close to Capital and Pindi in that range and cant afford those CDA Towns (Margalla, Sahhazad Town). Rental value is good.

Remodeling of Rawal Dam Chowk is bound to give that a good boost!

Not sure how strong or weak its link is with CDA but many people do refer to it as Chatha Bakhtawar CDA Sector

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