Ground reality has changed and central park is growing at a good rate. It is highly underprice society with a gated community. The prices in the vicinity is rising and it will get a momentum soon. Don't forget that lrr southern loop will bisect gajjumatta first (package 1) only 5.5 km away from central park and construction activity is growing at an exponential rate there. 5 marla plot in bahria nasheman already touched 32-35 lac braket despite it doesnot have an entrance on main ferozpur road.
Now it is a time for central park and it will grow at a rapid rate.
Omerimran replied on monday, january 18, 2016 05:07 pm pst
Central park has a lot of potential. And with projects like lrr and metro bus extension the prices will definitely increase.
Muzzamil replied on monday, january 18, 2016 11:43 pm pst