Cda transfer procedure and time?

Can anyone please tell about the procedure of a plot transfer in cda sector (i-12), can it be done urgently? How much time it takes on average and whether the buyer needs to go to cda office several times.

Friend here is my experience:

I go into cda office(Record section), Give 200-500 to peon/record In-charge and tell him plot no and sector, he will show you the plot file. I was new so i asked him please tell me: I want to buy this plot, Will i go for this.

In CDA plots there are many things you need to know:

  • Plot dubbling

  • Plot deletion

and some other legal litigation.

After this if you want to buy plot there are two ways.

1: If you are buying through any property agent then he will takecare of all this, according to my agent they pay eight thousand to CDA officers and all papers are ready in couple of hours.

2: If you want to do this procedure then seller need to get ndc/noc and it take time, because first he will apply for this and a document will go in all cda sections, if he get clearance then you will move towords one window operation.

One window operation take couple of hours and you pay money to seller.

Last now you need allotment letter, Dealer will tell you don't worry cda will send you soon but they never send you, You need to go there office and get it again.