CDA sector C-15 5 Marla Files worth Buying?

Can someone please tell me if C-15 5 marla files are worth buying or it will be a bad investment? Also buying the files like that is safe or not and how to know if the file has already been sold many times before.

the political and economical as well as global situations seems very tense and unpredictable. Right now only invest in possession fully developed real estate. once situation gets cool down you can shift your investment toward these high risk high gain assets.

Hi Nasir sb,
Thanks for the reply actually my question was more regarding the risk involved in such type of files. I mean are they safe in terms of fraud prevention and other stuff because it wont be a CDA transfer rather it will be an attorney or a degree from the court is it safe to do?

if that is your main investment and you can not afford a risk on it than stay away, buy some where else. there are thousands of other options that can be transferred on your name and have possession.