Hi. I want to know is it wise to invest in a residential plot where a residential house is constructed next to it but is engaged in a commercial activity like school or madrassa? Does this affect the plot value in terms of its mv and resale?
Yes it matters a lot. Such plots take a lot time to sell.
Small Villa schools are less problematic. Small offices having no public dealing also have no problem. Grave yards are worst case scenario.
Thanks b.r.malik but in cda sectors like g-13 every 1 out of 10 house is involved in some sort of commercial activity ranging from school, madrassa to office setup. Even if you buy a plot where there are no houses constructed next to it but who knows in the future someone constructs a house next to your plot and starts some commercial activity in it. I would think it would be better to buy a normal or average plot rather than something good but atleast where there are houses constructed next to it and for sure its used for residential purposes would be better? this is what i like about DHA that residential plot cannot be used for commercial activity. By the way what i fail to understand is when there are primary and secondary schools in every cda sector then why cda or housing foundation allows such commercial activity in residential houses in the first place. What you advice in this regard what sort of plot to look for?
Yes it's always a risk. Mosques are planned so this issue is no issue. Offices are not a problem indeed. Offices also keep very low profile due to commercial electricity and gas tariff issue.
I don't think Madrassas are ever built on housing plots. Villa schools are a bit problem. No one wants to live adjacent to it. Nallah is also a turnoff for a lot of people unless free extra land is attached to it.
Besides that, everything is relative. Plots only take time to sell on busy commercial areas.but a lot of houses gain value too due to commercial proximity. So everything is relative.
I went to see a plot in a sector last month which had few graves at the back. Property person was almost begging to buy the plot as no one was purchasing. In the same sector, i was about to buy a plot near school around 2 years back but left it due to school. Same plot is still much cheaper than other plots available in same locality. Solution is to buy plots having residential plots on all four sides.
Be careful about mega flats units planned to be built in G-13. Nawaz Govt had announced to build flats for govt officers in G-13 and I-11 or probably I-12. Later, they postponed the plan. But I remember those were very big projects.
Thanks brother. The flat area has been allocated in G-13/1 and G-13/4 however, you mean careful in terms of not buying any plot close to it? and how do you feel about G-13/3? the prices are low here comparatively but its a bit far from KH like G-13/2. In the future will it match prices of G-13/4 prices or will G-13/4 be always expensive than G-13/3? furthermore in terms of investment what you suggest would 7 marla be better or 10 marla?
i think as subsector 3 is always considered expensive in cda sectors so G-13/3 would be more expensive than G-13/4 once almost 95% construction is done or when cda acquires it.
Any suggestions ?
I do not know much about G-13. But one thing I know that 35x70 is corolla of such sectors. It is high in demand. Corner 30x60 would also be better option. But normal 30x60 wouldn't be feasible unless you get a very good price.
G-13/3 is fine. Try to buy in least price but pure residential area around it. With the passage of time, least priced plot gain better than premium area plots as difference is diluted with construction of houses.
Like in E-11 people are hungry for any type of plot as plots are scarce now. People are willing to buy near Shadi hall, near nallah, filling plots etc etc. Everyone wants to book the berth as if train would miss and next train is D-12 or G-13 which has some time :-)
Thanks brother. One last thing i want to know is it fine buying in front of playground rather than park in cda sectors? are playgrounds also considered equivalent to parks or the opposite?
I think play grounds are good. One can have parking. Clear View in front . I saw a few homes in G-11 adjacent to play grounds and those were really nice.
Agree with B.R Malik.