Please help me about top city 1. Due to its location it seems an attractive place. But will it be able to live or sell in future?
I want to buy a plot either 10 marla or 1 kanal there. Which block is attractive location in top city 1 considering development and immediate possession.
I am living outside or country and want to make a deal next month when i shall visit.
Please if you can suggest me with your valuable ideas.
Don’t waste your money. Invest in solid schemes and not these pie in the sky adventures.
Muhammad Usman, TopCity-1 is a very good investment and living opportunity. Dont get misguided by some self centered dealers. The society is having great potential to give very good profit within 2 years Insha ALLAH. Its location is ideal i.e junction of mototorways MI and M2, plus its only 1 km away from New International Islamabad Airport and main link to the airport which will connect it with twin cities is passing through TopCity-1.
Now coming which block is suitable to invest, then i think F is most suitable because the prices are reasonable(less) as compared to other blocks and location wise its safe n good. My personal opinion is to buy a plot of 1 kanal on main double road of F Block.It will give u a very good profit Insha Allah within 2 years.
May ALLAH bless u and give u what is best for u.
Fully agreed with Bluedoctor however i think Block B&C are better for one kanal and A,D for 10 marla.
As an overseas Pakistani like myself I will advise you to stay away. I sent my brother to view top city last year and he asked me if I was in my senses to invest in a project by a developer with no repute in the market, access issues and with the airport being the only drawing point.
Be aware of these dodgy dealers who will see ice cubes to an Eskimo if it benefits them with a commission.
Khan007: very lame reply. Did you check yourself? we have to check if your brother who visited has some vision or not. But without visiting don’t misguide others.
And we all know Khan007 you are not a overseas Pakistani, you are a Bahria dealer hiding your identity.
Overseas pakistani should invest only in bahira town or d h a
I think it is best to visit first and have an idea about the society. I also came to know that some plots are flat some not level ( typical with ISB/rwp) area.
So better to check first location and then decide.
I am not a propery dealer, I have investments in dha, Bahria and top city but watching biasness of people toward Bahria and misguiding others due to personal interests is highly regrettable and against religion by giving people wrong advises. Be careful khan007
You see this emotional reply and accusations being thrown around about me of all people being a dealer. Proof in the pudding that this forum is infested with top city dealers. I have vision. I like seeing things being constructed and not a bunch of trumpet tooting dealers who try to sell oil to innocents. As far as I am concerned all dealers are the same. Try to make something out of nothing. As I said stay away.
Babur. Keep your comments regarding me to yourself and don’t accuse me of being a scum dealer like yourself. And do not bring religion into everything. An illiterate degenerate like yourself can only hide behind keyboards. Once you are able to source a visa do come here and I will show you around. Till then you be careful.
LOL Mr. Khan. Only few people are reading the posts here actual buying selling is in the market and top city plots are being sold on profits.
Get a life sir
I will request all, to cool down please.
One should not get personal. This is public forum and we should accept opinion of others about any particular project.