Business loan offer,apply now

Are you in need of an urgent loans? We offer loan of all kinds to prospective individuals, company, corporate bodies as well as organizations. Are you in need of loans that are registered and approved? If interested, reach us today.

Our loan interest rates are very low and with a negotiable duration. We also provide funding for business partnership and real estate.
We offer small and large amount of loans to all our qualified clients. Forward replies to: erprospeld@msn.Com
Name: =======
Amount needed: ===
Duration: =====
Country ======
Mobile number======

May i received lone on Garden Town land

Pls do not response this offer

I want you to email me your information o that i can send you the complete loan application form.

Email me: erprospeld@msn.Com

After this you will ask for his account number and date of birth for processing.Above all which company or institute your from.. All loan providers have there own email address e.g _________ or ___________@

And your bank is MSN.....

My dear, is private company and we are using msn to power our email.

Don't get wrong feelings about this pls

Can i have your financial operating licence number and which country are you registered in.

Your not from Pakistan and for you to issue loans abroad without any credit checks.TRUST ME when i say this no private or government institute will issue loans.... Atleast think before your try to con people. Prove me wrong by answering my questions above... If not than i would imagine we wont hear from you again...

One last favour kindly make this the BEST ANSWER LOL

Given you the company registration details is not a problem at all but we have to follow due process and everything will be given to you for verification


HT Is right give your operating licence no and country. Do you have any website of your organisation.

On this forum we have good active members who check this kind of stuff.

I think you choose the wrong website.

You cant even tell us the name of your company even in call centers they are taught to give your full intro.

Your asking for sensitive details upfront and you will provide your details in due process..... Ok ok ok

How abt for best answer request lol

Thanks Ahmed saab !!!

When you contact me through email, i will send you the full details

Erika why i believe you are from Nigeria :smiley:

This is fake.

Erika, people on this website / forums are educated and cannot be trapped by these manners.

I am feeling sorry for you its better to avoid such attempts in the future. Abid bahi, does not matter where is he from -> its fake and should not be proceeded with.

People may require money urgently but no one is dumb to fall into such traps.


Sometimes been clever is the beginning of foolishness, You have not pass through with our loan programmed but you are full with criticism. What is your evidence Mr Educated.

I simply ask you to contact my email and i will feed you with the necessary information needed. By pasting the ads what did i take from you, your integrity? should take some action . Stop this post .
