BR Malik - Thank You for your input and sharing your life experience and your advice. I agree with you that people from professional background does not think in a way business person does. And having a business is always a fascinating idea for them which most of the time we both know actually turn into loss. And also being in profession long time makes you much of a less risk taker with time. I highly suggest one should start the business, if he is from business family or has business background, else better to just do investment in real estate or other businesses.
As you mentioned, Innovative ideas. That is exactly this thread is all about, i believe instead of a single man, a team of people can brain storm and come up with innovative ideas. Also you would be surprised to know that i actually have received emails where people are sharing experiences.
Also, you are spot on when it comes to halaal income. I have a opinion and i could be wrong. I think Pak is a country there is no such thing as law and order. There is simply "jungle ka qaanoon".
Even if we buy & sell plots, still when it comes to show our income for purpose of income taxes and paying tax, do we really show accurate info and give accurate tax? does it make it halal or haraam? especially when knowing your tax money would go in corrupts leader pockets. Or just to even save tax for personal gains. Should i give the same money to some poor person instead of government? because as soon as tax officer would know, i have money, he will come after me for more.
I can not simply even get a birth certificate without a agent\bribe however you put it. Does it make it haraam? because that is unspoken law of the land. You pay government service fee plus the service fee of the person who is providing you service or the certificate?
For me when you say haraam, i consider it lieing and cheating in order to sell your product or services. Or you show some other product and deliver something else. Things sort of that nature...
Dealing with government is completely different ball game and i am not sure if i can see that from similar perspective. Thief comes in simple clothes or under the uniform of government, he will take money from your, you can name it anything bribe, protection money, service fee, etc.
i hope you are getting my drift here.
M.B. Ali - what should one do? should we stop doing business or work because we know that we will have to bribe?