Which area is good to built home if we have work place at blue area islamabad
1) bahira enclave
3)gulberg residencia
4)naval anchorage
My vote for Bahria Enclave as its close to main islamabad.
And Enclave has shown much progress in rates in past few weeks.
Location and standard of living/ development wise BE is far better choice.
B-17 will be a bit far.
Gulberg is not livable and will not be livable even in the coming few years.
Unless you believe Margalla Avenue will never be built, the best choice is B-17. It is right across the road from new CDA sectors C-15 and C-16 where even without development files are touching 1 crore. In B-17 developed livable plots are trading at much lower. So the gap has to narrow especially whenever MA is completed. Already 50% work on MA is done.
People have lost hopes for MA…
Iam only worried about two things in BE
1) NOC issue of BE
2) price are depend on dealers. We donnt know this is real price or not. Price jump from 50 lac to 70 lac with in month etc. They always make new map and new plan like accounce P block after few month name it M etc.
You are right, NOC is not held by BE... But when you look at the stakes of billions of rupees in BE, I don't think NOC could be an issue.
Since, you are asking for building home, therefore, it is not your headache, if prices go down or up. By the way, the prices of developed plots never go down drastically, increase or decrease of few lacs is normal in property depending upon market conditions/ supply/ demand.
Market has shown much positivity among last two months--
Acutualy P was with 5,8,10 marla plots but later 5 marla were merged with sec N coz 5 marla were together almost and 10
Marla were introduced in sec M. P is left with 8 marla now.
BE even after development take many years to be liveable, a very hectic approach and scary in night.
Wise choice is naval encherage-I, completely developed, populated and fair distance all through highway, decent parks and education facilities.
If want to build in 1-2 years, Gulberg would be best. Rest visit each area and then decide. B-17 is not worth living due to dust and blasting nearby. B-17 is for dealers mafia only.
Iam inclined towards gulberg,but distance is too much even within gulber around 7 to 8km,also not sure after 1 year its liveable or not,
Don't listen to the claims the Gulberg will be livable in two years.... BE has all facilities available, but still not livable? How come?
Gulberg has nothing at the moment, but it will be livable in one year? What a surprising remarks... For living in short term, Gulberg is not recommended at all... Looking at their past record, I don't think it will be livable even in coming five years... By livable, I don't mean, that you get possession in some wilderness through constructions of roads only.... By livable I mean availability of all facilities including water, electricity, gas, commercial activities, schools, banks, stores etc. You must visit BE once, you will not go anywhere else.