Dear all,
I have 3 options at my disposal for making an investment under:
1. PECHS, K Block, residential plot
2. MPCHS, F block
3. DHA Valley, Blue Bell, 5 Marla
I have a budget of 3M. I am interested to invest for the short term for ROI only.
I am unable to decide where should I invest. Considering MPCHS I am unable to decide which block to go for that would give me a better return.
Kindly provide your feedback. Thank you.
In 2.7-3 Mn you could probably consider 5 marla in bahria enclave 1 with assigned block and plot number.
I think the expected return there will be sooner than any of the above mentioned options.
thx for the reply.
Kindly give me an insight regarding the 3 investments i mentioned due to which i was interested in investing there. As per my knowledge
1= DHA Valley. I think development work is started in Blue Bell block and maybe possession maybe available within 1 year. My uncle visited the site and told me work is going at a fast pace there. That is all i know.
Currently a 5 marla open file is available at 9-10 lac
2= Regarding PECHS a 10 marla plot in K block will cost around 25-30 lac. But prices for residential plots have been stagnant for more than 6 months unlike commercial.
Also as the old route to new airport has been denied access so no possible route as of now for PECHS. Pls it is not known whether they will be allowed any route to new airport even at their expense.
i think PECHS is flooded with investors mainly and not genuine buyers so maybe prices are constant but now as no route access may cause another problem.
Given that they have given possession to most of their blocks and development standard, though not outstanding, but is good so the society has potential on its own and not just the airport. Given that airport completes in 2015 (i believe 2016-2017) one can see rise in prices by the end of this year maybe.
3= Regarding MPCHS, given work on Margalla avenue extension and the land acquisition problems with blocks D and E. I think most D and E allottees maybe shifted to F block and the start of F block itself might reduce the prices of plots in D and E given the less consumer confidence in D and E due to the issues. So F block would be a good investment probably in an year's time maybe.
kindly provide your advice and correct me if im wrong. Thx
Valley has no short term future
thx for the reply. How far would you think valley would give any ROI and which blocks?
All the above given options are not okay with you.
I will rather consider Top City or Bahria Enclave 1.
Thx nasir bhai for the reply.
concerning top city they are not developed and rely on airport and route access. Dont know whether they will get route access and airport maybe completed in 2016-2017 given if they donot follow the given deadline.
Top city has nothing to deliver on its own now but due to its good location it will be good investment but in the very long run maybe 2-3 years or more ROI maybe expected.
can you tell me where is bahria enclave 1. Is it near bara kahu? and which block of it should i invest in?
can you give me reason why my options given are not feasible so i may take informed decision before investing anywhere.
Dear Fellow:
I don't see any of ur options giving any good roi in short term....
I think it would be better if u go for 30x60 in E Block of B-17... On possession around the end of this year, chances of good price increase are there...
5 marla in BE in H Block for which possession could be given in one to 1.5 years... Prices will increase by good %...
FT file could also be a good option... With slight risk involved....
Dear khan saab
thank you for the reply.
Has the bait-ul-maal issue resolved as there were some land acquisition problem in sectors D & E. Will it be safe to invest in E as possession might be delayed further enough. Kindly guide
pls does BE has any land acquisition issue? where is this society, near bara kahu?
finally may you guide me regarding my options how long it will take to get any gains from each of these investments by the way? a rough figure will do.
And whether they are feasible even in the long term?
thanks once again for your advice
In my view the only option of DHA Valley BlueBell is good... The expected return will be very good... But in my view it will take 3 to 6 years....
Pls correct the prices in pechs.
K block 30 x 70 size plots available n 18 to 20 lacs.
Boulevard plots in 25 lacs.
1 kanal plots in 35 lacs.
Reference Manahil Estate.
There is no any flood of Investors there.
But it is good investment for both short term and Long term.
My options will be
Dha 2
Dear Zain,
which block of DHA 2 and B-17 are you talking about and kindly may you tell why?
Dear Khan Saab,
I would need your advice whether there are other suitable places that i may consider like Jinnah Garden 1, AWT, Commoners Sky Garden Flower Valley etc.
Just want to know why investing in PECHS and F block of MPCHS would not be wise as per your assessment.
DHA 2 Ex commoners
BE 1 block H
Cabinet Division E 16/17
Gulberg Residentia
@ AppCake
thx for the reply. Which block of DHA2 Ex Com and what plot size would be better and would it be suitable for short term?
Cabinet Division don't you think it would be long term?