Best Block To Invest In Bahria Phase 8

Best block to invest in for Bahria Phase 8 and approx current prices for 10 Marla and 1 Kanal plot please guys.

Dear Zabak,

Bahria phase8 is one of good investment,

Safari valley is good and D,E,F1 and F2 is good for investment.

I personally like safari valley Abu Bakar block and other hand F1.

44 to 50 lakh safari valley (normally 7 marla some of 8 marla one marla extra paid land abu bakar block very good location plot.

F1 10 marla good location 45 to 55 lakh.


Safari Valley, C, D, E, F1 blocks are good to invest in Phase-8. Nadeem sb mentiond correct price range.

Many thanks Irfan Bahi,

may Allah bless you ever.


Why not F3 and F4 where prices are still lower and potential for profits higher, possession is expected soon and likely a big price increase compared to the others where appreciation is already almost over

F3 and f4 is far from main express road,secondly the terrain not sure if filled or natural,instead of going that far better to stay close to the main artery


I hope u would be satisfied by the reply of Adnan sb. F3 & F4 are located far away thats why no called best blocks. If you want to go for non-possession blocks only then M-block is good choice because it is located on main road and its price is also lower just coz of non-possession.

H and I Blocks are best for investment at this point. H has possession and I has partial possession . Their prices are also lower as compared to C , E and F1

Thanks guys … what is the current price for a 10-marla plot in M, H or I sectors? Can anyone here find me a side-by-side pair of 10-marla plots in any of these sectors (M,H or I) or F3? Thanks

Anyone has an answer for me?


once you find out the average price in H block, let me know as well please ,I am thinking of selling there insha Allah

From what I know the prices hit between 45-55 at its peak, then dropped to as low as 36-40 lacs and now people are demanding between 40-50 lacs agin.

This is a rough idea. If you want to sell the dealers will offer you at the lower end , i-e at least 5 lacs below the average market value and if you want to buy they will demand the higher end , again 3-5 lacs above the average market value.

Thanks Zafarullah! A quick look at shows that a 10-marla plot in H block is listed for 40 lacs, in I block for 35 lacs and in F3, J, K and N blocks for less than 30 lacs (around 27-28 lacs) Nothing listed in M block at this time and one plot listed in L block for 31 lacs. This is probably a close representation of the market at the current time or the best available, though someone told me that real prices are aways slightly lower than listed on this site.

I would suggest that you keep your plot in H block as possession is expected soon and prices will appreciate, unless you can't afford to wait.

I want to buy a side-by-side pair of 10-marla plots in any of the non-possession blocks and will pay cash right away. The problem is that these days everyone is a dealer but have nothing in hand and answer every question with their cell phone numbers and asking to call. If one really have appropriate availability, why not respond with plot numbers, blocks and asking prices … the buyer will check it on the map, make his decision and call with an offer. A real dealer will do that but these amateurs are just a waste of time unfortunately.

Thanks Musafir, that was helpful.

I can hold my plot for the time being, the reason for selling was that I was thinking about moving the investment to BE.

Bahria Enclave have a advantage about location otherwise Bahria phase8 is more beautiful and well developed.

Both is good for living and investment.


I think that bahria enclave will appreciate slowly now compared to phase 8, especially the near-possession 10-marla plots which are around 30 lacs now will likely be close to 50 lacs when possession is given (in my opinion anyway) … correct/guide me if I am right that possession of the remaining blocks in phase 8 is expected within months … correct? Anyone has visited the site recently? How much work is done and how much is left?

Anyone with an answer for my question? Anyone?

Can any bro give me their assessment of L block 1100 series, a gali corner plot. Current demand for general plots vary between 31 to 33 lacs.

  1. What are its future prospects, should I retain it or dispose off?

  2. When is possession expected?

Only buy developed ready possession plot, Safari Valley, Abu bakr, Usman, Rafi are the best choices.