BE-1 Plot Or G-15 House

Aoa. Need advice.

I want to make investment for mid-term. Shall I buy a 8 Marla house in G-15 and rent it out where I hope property will also gain with time or shall I buy a plot in BE-1 A, C, C1 etc. Whether possession or non-possession. Which option can give good returns. Awaiting responses.

G-15 is a much better location from rental point of view. It is touching several population centers: Pindi, Zone 1 Islamabad and Zone 2 Islamabad. Also, it is very near Motorway, new Islamabad Airport and GT Road cities like Taxila.

Jazakallah pk1 for responding. I am only interested in investment with a budget 14 million. Rental will be low in these areas like g-15. A 8 marla house can fetch around 35-40k a month only. However property price appreciation would make a difference. But considering both G-15 or Be1 which can be a good return on investment for 3 years or maybe a little more. Can i consider d-12 also but i think i will only get a plot there and can it give good return after 3 years or little more. People say zone1 is the best and preferable. What you advice.

Awaiting your reply.

Dear Mobeen,

I would suggest to for BE-1, 10 marla good location with possession plot in sector A... The future is quite bright... And I hope the prices will be much higher in the 3 years time frame or more.



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I would prefer BE-1. Enclave is a great place and G-15 is not a good development. No comparison. I am visitor to both BE-1and G-15.

But G-15's rental value would be higher as its location is good. But BE-1 is scenic. Better weather and water in the area.

Both locations has gas and electricity.

@Mobeen. As you are looking at these two options purely from an investment point of view, it seems to be a simple proposition to me.

If you are interested in rental income: G-15

If you are looking for capital gains: Bahria Enclave

Well said Kashif.

Thx everyone for the input. Lastly any input on D-12 in terms of capital gains and safety of investment? i heard they are giving access from E-12 service road within 1-1.5 years which will directly connect it to F-11 and same for MA strip which will touch from g.t road through to service road of D-12/3. Any comments please.

Mobeen, D-12 could be a very good investment option but there a lot of IFs and BUTs, so, you should decide by yourself...


Mobeen CDA has some major land acquisition issues in that area and if you make an investment, betting on CDA to deliver on time, then I am afraid you are betting on the wrong horse.

Also margalla avenue, when completed, even though will provide a good connectivity but my opinion is that the kind of traffic that will flow into this area due to MA will be a negative, becoz sector roads are not designed to cater for highway traffic in addition to its own load.

Thx Khan sb and Raza sb.


the issues you are talking about are in D-12 or nearby areas like E-12?

The issues are in the area adjoining D-12, and that will effect land acquisition for the roads that you are talking about. Even D-12 does not have its service road East yet becoz of non acquisition of complete land. However, the residential area seems completely cleared.

E-12 service road, adjacent to E-11 has a lot of graves. Graves multiplied quickly in recent past.

Thx dear brothers for the insight.

I will look for something other than D-12, most preferably BE 1. By the way are prices in BE 1 block A stable or decreased recently or is it just the non-possession areas that went in minus?

i mean is there a possibility for A block to go below its current MV anyhow or it can only go up?

Mobeen sb..Sir for best deals at bahria enlcave 1,you can contact me at 03455370978.


Saadi sir how much is price of A block and when will possession be given in the next block i think it is c1 and what is price in c1

Sir in A block price varies from 78 to 100 lacs approx..

In C1 price varies from 73 to 80 lacs approx..Yes C1 is neXt in line for possession.

@Mobeen. Every single plot in Bahria enclave, including the non-possession plots, is in profit with respect to its original booking price. The only plots in minus are the enclave extension plots, also referred to as BE 2. The market price can off course vary but I think this is a good time to buy possession plots.

Prices quoted by Saadi are for good location plots, otherwise you can get an ordinary location for even a few lakhs less.

Agreed with kashif bhai…some ordinary location cab be grabbed for some less bucks…