Want estimate of material required to construct RCC wall of basement with 40 feet width and 80 feet length.
Target roof height is 9 feet, so estimated 2 feet underground wall base cost also needs to be concluded.
Lenter/roof will be on 40 feet width and 60 feet length.
I want material estimate for walls and lenter separately.
Dear kashif I think the estimate is different from city to city and area to area.
H--T, DSA and Team Overcs I am being offered for grey structure a rate of 1500 per sq ft for basement and 1300 per sq ft for the ground and first storey.
city Lahore and area eme.
Is it ok or too high?
What is ur plot size and the covered area for the basement
Including materials, piping, ducting and electric conduits (not wiring). Also including waterproofing roof treatment and rooftop tiling…
Plot size is 56.6 x 75. Almost one kanal. And covered area for basement will be as per society rules. Architect is giving his rate for construction through his team.
So the covered area according to 56.5 x 75 =4237.5 sqft..and if your planning to construct the full basement that would be your covered area for basement aswell.
If that is the covered area for your basement x that with 1500 = Rs.6356250....
Including materials, piping, ducting and electric conduits (not wiring). Also including waterproofing roof treatment and rooftop tiling... All of this is worth no more than Rs 300,000/- maximum
Steel 10 tons and cement bags around 1500 bags = 15 lacs
Sand gravel 4 trucks each lets say 180000/-
now labor cost lets say 300 per sqft = 1271000
This is the actual cost and you can make adjustments according to your basement size....
Now you can do the math.... Never give with material it will cost you an arm and a leg
If your willing to pay some one an extra 5 to 10 lacs just to make a phone call to order the material than kindly hire me ill give you 75% discount aswell...
But if still u wanna give it with material than Rs1000 for ground/first floor and 1200 for basement is justified
Hi H-T,
Whats the material estimate for this my query?
@ kashif
Brother your dimensions are more or less the same as pardesi brother. It would be give or take 10% maximum....
As pardesi brother mentioned it varies from city to city and in Lahore the construction is cheaper compare to islamabad because the quality of land here in Islamabad is mostly filled in the new upcomming areas.
Can i have your email or cell #? i like your posts a lot and want to discuss/ take suggestion with you personally on this
H--T do you have capacity to do construction in Lahore?
What is your phone number?
First of all your basement covered area will not be more than 1500 to 1800 sq ft. Who do in 1 kanal plot full covered area basement? Which society allow??
All side walls will be of concrete walls and what HT is offering you I hope he can do your job...
I already offered HT to do our some projects on the quoted rates...But then he came with lame excuses......
This is not even cost of a quality project which is offered by HT....
If you do your own job by yourself you cannot finish in these rates and this is challenge....
You have to hire experience team to perform for you and whenever you get quote always ask detailed list of products brands and scope of work...
I hope you understand....and once you will be on table with your design and all pros and corn then you can get the final rate.....
One forums and on emails you cannot get the right cost idea.
Dsa ill never work for a con man like you… And you bring me up in almost ever post… Than wenever ive asked to show ur full hand.you run away like a baby… I actually feel sorry for you and ur mental condition.may god give you health n better mental condition…
Pls check this person credibility if he can even give suggestions to valued members? He is actually making ppls confuse by his Jayyka styled n giving estimates like petty thekedars as in his every post he is giving steel calculations without any authentic structure engineer drawings or advice them how can he help/beneficial advice can give to members?
Neem mullah khatra e emaan n neem Hakeem khatra e Japan
So every body here should be very carefully act on his advice untill you get authentic information.
HT...I will always object whenever you will provide unprofessional advice/information
Your always welcome with an open heart..
btw i dont doubt your credibility but its your rates....
I was given a flat rate of 1050 for grey structure for all including basement, DHA Phase 2, Isb.
it is not about ordering material - but managing the labor as well - Alhumdulliah the contractor has been very good and my experience so far is excellent.
Pls share what scope of works the contractor will do in this rate? Also share your front elevation
This include everything till grey structure, i.e. All columns, all beams, basement structure, retaining wall, and I have asked them to include everything considered under plaster i.e. Electric connection, pipes, lights holding, water connection, gas connection, sewerage pipeline, gutter. Also has two water tanks and two septic tanks. External walls, side walls. My structure design was pretty tough where they used around 27 tons over 9800 sq-ft. I am not sure how can I upload front elevation here.
Please someone tell me about what a estimate required 36.6*75= 2745 sq ft double storey house plz tell me in detail ................. For newly built house