Yesterday, all of my colleagues who live in bahria/dha got stuck in office because of some protest which was being held at islamabad highway. I know that living standard in bahria/dha is much better than b17/d17/g15 but in my opinion things like these protests also have an impact on your decision to build a house.
It is the 4th time in last 2 months where islamabad highway was closed for certain amount of time because of these protests. I have got plot in bahria and b17. Although i am inclined towards bahria for construction of my own house but things like these have shattered my confidence.
B17 as a sector is a good one but only question mark was tarnol phatak where i got stuck one day for atleast an hour. Since tarnol phattak is about to be expanded so i am seriously thinking of construction in b17. I am not considering MA till now becasue know it will be built in next few years.
Can you guys please advise me on this. Thanks