Bahria Town Phase 9 Merger With Phase 8

Phase 9 Bahria Town Rawalpindi merger with phase 8 anone have new update or confirm news about it.Please share your information.

Thanks Ishaq

No, its not the merger.phase 9 is withdrawn from Planing andc remaining Files of phase 9 now in Que to Shift in Phase 8. For fuurther Details and any Support please Contact Shaheen Builders & Marketing,office # 1,189,Bahria Town Phase-8,Rawalpindi Raja Asmat 03212382902

They sold a lot of files, used the money for a few years, pushed the prices down and repurchased a lot of the files back and then cancelled the project.

It was open but rite now they are not offering any merger or any compensation or plot other than refund which you will get in 6 months will all the original documents after surrendering all the payment reciepts. Plus, policy for phase 9 and phase 8 ext files will be planned and announced in January 2014, i would suggest you to keep the file and wait for the decision. Currently, these files are also on profit.

Wat is the rate of files now

File an FIR and Bahria will give you plot. If they sold you Phase 9 they have to give you or agree with you something similar.

The money you would get back from them now would be worth less than half what it was when you gave it to them. Best to keep the files rather than get a refund. You could take them to court.

There is a need for strong laws to protect the interest of plot buyers from unscrupulous developers.