Bahria town karachi 125 sq yards old

Is it worthwhile to invest in bahria karachi 125 sq yards old (files for short term) now?

Please advise. Short term means 6 to 8 months or 1 year

Looks like it is if you compare the price of Ali Block with old 125 sq yards.

For many people it is still cheaper to go for old 125 sq yards than Ali block. In the future it may reach to the price of Ali block.

My two cents.

This is the only file which has juice left, i personally think rest of all the files will come down a little to adjust and now 125 sq. Yards will increase its price in near future.

Any opinions please?

Thanks guys…looking for more comments

Seniors can it reach ali block range in a year or so ?

Orakzai lala,allah ka nam la ka la loo,in bahria always expect the unexpected,kul ka kisi ko nahi puta,risk is quite loo as per zeeshan,

Checked google map…BTK is shown outside Karachi limits…can somebody confirm which City NOC r applicable for this project I.e. Karachi or dadu…or whatever…

As per few forums what i have gathered is that bahria has done heavy purchasing after the launch,which will make the project go as further as dha city,old bookings as per their norm will be adjusted at quite a distance and in between you ll see plenty of new launches with heavy price tag,if an end user has to travel another 15 kms from the launching pad,then how soon do you see this project materializing to the brim,karachi experts can shed some light on this but with an honest opinion

Still 5 marla old booking is the most risky segment, in saying its only 250-300 thousand rupees but volume game going on in this category, if some one wants to give this much as charity then its no risk.

Bahria pa zakat nahi lugtee sohail bhai

Wait for few days & than purchase because prices going down very quickly.

Yes sohail bhai it is a risky segment, but dont you think it would reach the level of Ali block (new booking) as we saw in 1000 sq yards?

At the moment kaleem bro is right,this is not the best time to buy,as prices will drop investors are taking their hands off bahria

@ Mr. Orakzai, no sir it will never reach close to Ali block, this difference will remain for ever or might increase, the old booking will be the last page to read, in between so many chapters will be over.

Thank you sohail sab… Any reason why 125 will be the last page to read?

Uc ka baad kitab muk jane ha@orakzai lala

tusi saaf he chula bana da hooo