Bahria town future

Bahria town is in news since pti is in government. Would does the future look like in next 6-12 months with cases in supreme court for bahria karachi and encroachment issues in bahria enclave


In my opinion places like Karachi and Enclave which has illegal lands will be effected but not all the BT areas can be affected or theie future is doomed. But personally if i have money my first preference is always DHA and second for living is BT cleared land.

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Malik Riaz played successfully, in his own perception & ways , to keep DHAs down and not surpass the BTs. He have been quite successful in this game for decades but time changes, so does the game!

In DHA valley, yes all were involved in making money piles, but no one knew that He will have a ride on 62 billions , He managed to take to phase-8 and BTK.

DHA valley reputation came down and still does but time has been changed and BT is going to DHA, piece by piece.

I doubt if He would be able to win in the horse race in near future as court is hard on him and He is weeping and crying before SC.


Can this affect BT phase 8?

Is it safe to buy a 10 marla plot in BT 8

Is k block safe?? I hav heard that the land ia of forest department. Imtiaz sab and other seniors plZ

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Well if BT & Malik Riaz have survived in KHI with SC making a joke out of themselves than rest assured, other than few cosmetic actions, rest will be all fine and flourish - fortunately or unfortunately. This is how, unfortunately the system plays here in Pakistan. I have investment in BT-Phase 1 RWP and BT's success can bring potential benefit to me as an individual. However, I would still prefer a free and fair system that benefits people in an equal way and out of corrupt practices.

Regarding DHA that is way more messed up in terms of land grabbing + scams + encroachments. However, due to its background no one can dare to even raise a finger on them.

I support the idea of looters in the court of justice however, that seems unlikely as of now. Again if BT-KHI can survive recent crisis, rest is just a mickey mouse show. More BT comes under stress, more bargain its competitors will have against BT or dealing with BT. Enclave will be put under pressure from Park View and BT-RWP from DHA - that is how scripts are written. Park View NOC is also quite shady.

After KHI BT hasn't gone with any mega/significant launch of any new project. The day BT announced some big projects, even the files during booking time will be sold in black! In a brands-driven world, brands rise slow and hard to fall unless a better brand becomes available. Big Plus for BT is the variety that it can somehow range from 1.5 million per Marla to 1.7 million for a 5 Marla possession plot with more or less same general infrastructure.


As i live in DHA 1 and most of my investment and company is in DHA and BT Rawalpindi. I can say this safely that developed sectors of BT phase 7,8 where people have houses or building houses has no issue from end user point of view and people are showing lot of interst in building houses in developed sectors.

Reason is if you see and read carefully the SC judgment they have clearly written that common people should not be affected and if some land is taken then due fine should be paid by BT not by the people who have houses there.this is what Chief justice said in Karachi hearing and same precedent will be set in forest case but i don't know when

So no need to worry aboutthis just avoid buying plot in new sectors of BT until situation get cleared.


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On a legal side of the things. This is the worrying aspect that for 44000 acres of land at prime location of KHI allotted to BT (mostly illegally) and surety/security deposit of 5 billion is nothing but a small candy for MR. That 5 billion is only for surety not the fine. If MR start charging only a few thousand more on plots in BT-KHI he will make more than 5 billion anyway.

True that common people must not be affected but BT or nay other Mafia must be made an example not to ever thing of doing that again.

"Riaz, in his written reply submitted today, assured the court that he would submit the Rs5bn amount required as surety by the court in 15 days and ensure that none of his or his family's properties are sold in the meanwhile."

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I totally agree with you in BT Karachi case but that has nothing to do with the BT phase 8 there is a separate forest case going on. The exact wordings of order are.

"However, if any third-party interest has been created over the forest land what to do therewith and how to deal therewith shall be decided by the implementation bench."

Now that is only for the forest land and third party means common buyer. I believe that bahria has to pay the fine against the forest land. But yes for Karachi bahria is in deep trouble.
it is safe to buy plots in developed sector of phase 8 Rawalpindi developed area.

I also believe and support whoever has done the wrong things should be punished whrther it is DHA or bahria so that the next time other societies thinks twice while making wrong deals.



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Abbasi sb - I too was referring, in general to BT and KHI in particular.

Part of Phase-8 is also a consequence of Taji Khokhar + MR things (land grabbing) but thats a separate topics. Here the central point of discussion was BT-KHI.

Very helpful comments from the senior members here, can you guys shed some light on recent CDA letter to bahria enclave and its long term and short term impact on investment. I have a plot in c3, i am worried after reading the news, should i keep it or sell it ?

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Friends, if you have money, why to go to BT. Banga lana hy? in Pakistan, make a simple rule, think about your next generations. I dont think, after MR, his kids will take this passion for BT. They already have houses and will leave to Dubai.

My advice, keep the thing simple, and stay away from BT. At the end, BT will come down.

Fahad - hold it.

Aftab Khattak - yes, there are so many other attractive options but BT has developed as a brand and the rest has to do lots of catch-up Possessed area of BT will have no consequence on the end buyer.

Parts of Block/Sector C are affected.

"The entrance area of bahria enclave will fall under CDA, so some changes will need to be done by Bahria Town in order to relocate the entrance gates. Major part affected in bahria enclave include C block, and the commercial area around the Zoo. Hospital and restaurants also fall under CDA land, so bahria town may lose this area."

Here are the details with Satellite View of the Encroached area as identified by the CDA.

CDA Anti-Encroachment Drive Affects Bahria Enclave Islamabad

"This is a fact that some part of Bahria Enclave is affected in this operation, but more than 95% area is absolutely safe and has no legal issues. In fact, major part of the subject land was outside bahria enclave in Kurri Village and surroundings, where CDA had once launched its project “Kurri Model Village” which never materialized due to encroachments."

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