Dear members,
Please provide your valuable comments as to which commercial setor of behria rawalpindi will top the list as to start i shall put my thoughts as under for top 3
1- spring north commercial
2- civic center
3- business district
In between all these civic center is the best.
Saadi: could you elaborate a bit on how civic center has performed since inception and what are its prospects. Also plz shed some light on the future of Biz Dist.
Civic center has no doubt performed extraordinary but will it perform the same way when people got the 40*30 plot for 1 crore and within 2 years it reachched 3-4 crore than gradually increased i have doubt on it now it will increase in a controlled manner.
Spring North as well will grow but steadily .
I beleive that bussiness district will be the one which will increase exponentially as one or 2 plaza are under construction and as soon as some more activities will come than this area is going to give lot of profits but definately its gonaa take still a year to take off.
For the benefit of ones like me who have lesser knowledge, please tell us where exactly are the places you are referring to, development/possession status, prices, past trends and future expectations. Thanks