Bahria Phase 8 Versus DHA 2

I want to invest some money in property. With my investment I can buy a 10 Marla plot in DHA Phase 2, N. A friend a mine told me that with a similar investment I can also buy a 10 Marla plot in Bahria Phase 8, Block A. Can some expert tell me which is the better option considering:

1. Is the 10 Marla plot price of DHA 2, n and Bahria 8, Block A similar?
2. Possession status.
3. Extra development charges to be paid in future.
4. Better location in case I decide to construct a house.
5. Better return in the case I sale the plot after e.g. 2 years.

Thanks and regards.

DHA 2 10 Marla Plot in N block is a good option, as compared to Bahria Phase 8 due to distance and location issue, Bahria is no doubt a good investment but location and distance wise/access wise DHA 2 is much better.

Rates will increase InhsAllah.

Plus can you pls tell me on what rate are you getting a plot in N block 10 marla as i am also buying one for someone, i will have a fair idea of the price then.


Obviously dha 2 N block…A block of phase 8 is filled and usually people are not interested to buy in A block…If you want to buy a one in dha N block…You can simply contact me at 03455370978 for best deals…Location wise dha is much better…

Thanks all for your suggestions. Can some expert comment on the possession status, development charges and better return in case I sale it after e.g. 2 years between bahria and dha.

Thanks and regards

Saadi bhai. I am overseas. Can you please advise mimimum investment required for 5 and 10 marla in dha 2 ex commoners. A friend here wants to see if he can squeeze an investment in.

Khan bhai..Sir price ranges are as follows in N block:

5 marla = 2.1 to 2.5 million approx

10 marla = 3.1 to 4.5 million approx.

For best deals,you can contact me at 03455370978 anytime.

Thanks Saadi bhai. Your guidance is always appreciated

Aslamoalaikum This is my first time to write on this sight

Can some one tell me about the prices in Bahria phase 8 D block new cutting near stachu of liberty ,I am in saudi arabia and i have a plot 10 marla ,i want to sale it ,Thanks


I have 20 lacks, Where I can buy in Dha or Baharia. I am looking 10 marla may be 8 marla. Please reply on my email. Thanks

Ayub Khan

Khan bhai you are always welcome…

I am interested to buy a plot of 10 Marla in DHA 2 Ext(Ex Commoners Town in any Block K L M N, please advise Minimum and Maximum price,i am out of Pakistan.

Please advise other expenses other than price.
