I am overseas and would like to relocate to Pakistan, Islamabad. I need guidance regarding the most suitable location in Islamabad. A friend of mine suggested bahria enclave. May i ask your expert opinion about enaclave whether its suitable for living. What are the pros and cons of bahria enclave?
Bahria Enclave access isn’t great, but facilities are great in Sector A and it is populated. You should visit the place yourself to judge if it’s good for you
Plz buy only possession plot. BE is a gem.
Dear I can't buy possession plots for the time being. How are sectors such as L, M?
If Bahria Enclave in not feasible what are other alternatives?
Real estate at this time has a lot of uncertainty, only possession areas anywhere will be advisable unless you’re willing to take the risk with non-possession areas and there is no society or place which doesn’t have this risk
Agreed with musafir, The level of greed in property sector is at peak, they are just manipulating money of poor people to multiply their wealth, one has to be very careful in investing blindly, as there is no margin of trust left on these culprits.
The property sector is suffering just because of their greed and non-development or extremely slow development by almost every society.
Invest only in developed property.
If you have low budget consider societies at Islamabad express like Jinnah garden or river garden. As I have been told they have all facilities roads,electricity,gas and water (confirm yourself). But only go for possession plot. Possession plots will be also fruitful due to rapid urbanization,return of overseas people like you and expressway widening factor will boost it anyway. BE may(or may not) take some time though people in their office promise next year but that seems a big lie.