To many this headline will look like a biased against dealers, as their money is stuck in BE2 and BTK (majority dealers, with few innocent bholay badshahs).
But there are reasons behind it:
1. These were the dealers who in pursuance of their eternal greed purchased bulk of files from big fish (few big crooked gamblers).
2. They (dealers) were thinking of big hike after a few months so hopes of becoming big crooks on the hard earned halal cash of overseas.
3. What happened later on was beyond their (dealers) expectations, as the few big fish (real crooks) bluffed them (dealers) and crushed them so hard, that they forgot their own names.
Why this curse on these crooked dealers, the answer is, they (dealers) have been looting overseas Pakistanis through artificially hiked prices, by just gambling mechanism, for many years now,
Answer, they (dealers) will not allow the owner to meet the buyer, so will take the file at some biyana and purchase plot at low price, while taking 1-2 months for bulk payment, and thus will create artificial demand in masses and force the overseas Pakistani (who have limited days to buy at exorbitant prices).
So now they have come under eternal curse, and will have to bear the reward of their sins.
The common people suffering in this regards is really very sad, because they (common people) are suffering because of these crooks.
I have based above views on the basis of my observations and some talking with my friends, it is possible that I may wrong, so any grievances or misunderstanding at someone behalf will be sad happenings, and be put in sympathetic tone.
You are 100% right, I agreed with… May God Help them
Dear Dk, your analysis is spot on.
I would just like to expand it further and share my perspective.
I think a project with size of BE or BTK cannot be launched unless a significant amount of cash is in place. In case of Bahria this cash is injected by a few key investors. This is an unconventional way for Bahria to build projects as they rely on these investors rather then borrowing money from banks. I have heard that there are few key investors whose investment goes in Billions of rupees. Later after launch of a project, these key investors are given key location plots which they sell in the open market . I think in BE-2 case, they wanted to do the same but some how Bahria sold too many plots in both BE-2 and BTK and didnt realize its impact on the overall market. This oversupply has created a price correction and negative impact on overall property prices.
However i agree with you Short term buyers and dealers have played this risky game and are responsible for this mess. However one positive outcome of this correction is that property prices in some places e.g. Phase 8, BE-1 have been revised which makes it ideal for long term investment.
Well brother Dk !
Your detailed thread is helpful and gives the appropriate figures of market sentiments.
This "Investors Cartel" had been discussed separately as well where we all tried to pin down the relevant details.
But be sure whenever the wave will start it will improve the market of BE and BTK.
Rest ALLAH knows best
As long as BT and it’s dealers r suffering from greed they will remain under curse. …becoz Greed is Curse. …no escape…
Dealers investors are in the trade 24/7..unlike we the part time investors who cant compete with the daily fluctuations of the market,and once bitten stand grounded,they have their stakes at both ends,
they are the real time pundits,
minor jolts are part of the game,but rest assured all these billions have been accumulated by them over the years,blessings of the same plateform,
bahria has given them an identification and class,they are billions courtesy of bahria,so this is a never ending game and in a long run,they are the ultimate winners,for bahria investors dealers losing and earning millions is a game of second, at any respective time,so either be a part of the game and enjoy the ride,or stay apart,in real estate their is no bigger thrill then bahria in pakistan,as you are always on the verge of making your dreams a reality,,
I have never liked the business of buying multiple files in a scheme that exists on paper. But yes some file investors have made a lot of money in this manner. People who bought at the right time in BTK and got out at the right time made big money.
Why not a regulatory authority for real estate , who can monitor the real estate ,with some ethical laws ,with branches in all major cities,and composed by a mixture of developers ,investors, contractors , civil society,overseas Pakistanis representatives, and some independent retired judiciary members,plus gov representatives[ but it should not be like pemra, as its 100% gov body]
I think to many it will be laughable idea, but the reality is ,that real estate business is a huge market and more money here than in banks etc[if i am right so ,]
so with regulatory bodies it can become transparent a bit and also GOV. Can earn genuine exact taxes on it , and less fraud and deception risks for small investors ,
so for genuine small investors and home buyers and GOV it will be a win win situation,
THE ONLY ppl who will not be satisfied with it will be the real thugs and crooks who hooks their knots with the laziest of king Akbar,
Yes, that is true.
Zameen administration did not publish my comment,they said :your comment awaits moderation :
well it was a simple solution based idea of forming a regulatory body on real estate which could have checks and balance and some ethical rules, but the comment was detailed ,unfortunately zameen admin throwed it in dustbin,
@DK bro no one delete the comments, its just if you put some keywords which may be regarded as spam or some other thing, that reply/comments go to moderation, same happains to me certain times. So chill out