Bahra Enclave Vs Gulberg for Short & Medium Term Investment

Dear Experts,

Based on current development & possession status, price and price appreciation expectations, land acquisition status and overall investment security perspective; how you will compare between BE and Gulberg as both societies are near to Zero Point & Highway.
For an investment potential of 6 to 8 millions, what do you suggest between the two and also further drill down in specific sectors within these societies.
Thanks to all great members of the society for your great contributions to keep us updated.

– If you wanna buy, build, live in an year time it’s BE.

– If you wanna buy, sell (short to medium term), build, live ( can wait for 3+ to 5 years) it’s GR.

Only go for possesion stuff in both (considering max 8 mil).

BE: Sectors B1, N, G, H, I

GR: Block V, T, L, M

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Thanks Imtiaz Saheb for your prompt reply. Do you have any price details about the specific sectors that you mentioned? I can research the prices on zameen itself but I see a lot of variations; so your valuable insight will be helpful.