Shall we travel through time to 2020 Islamabad in Prof. Emmett Brown's time-traveling delorean car?
And let us try to spot the top-6 residential projects of Islamabad with the highest value in 2020?
I am not including Zone 1 in my list of Top-6 because there is nothing to guess. Sectors E-7, F-7, F-8, F-6, G-6, G-8, F-10, F-11, I-8, G-11, E-11, D-12 will always be the glittering jewels of Islamabad! And Zone I will remain the undisputed leader even if Malik Riaz can import a piece of Switzerland for his projects in Zone IV and V. Even G-13 and G-14/4 will always be more costly than Bahria, DHA and Multi. Zone I is Zone I.
It seems to me that the hierarchy outside Zone-I can be listed as follows:
1. Multi-Garden B-17 wears the Crown. In 2020 most likely Margalla Avenue will not only be operational, but it may be a dual carriageway with a flyover at gt road and piercing through Zone II. D-12 may be fully populated, sectors C-15 and C-16 may be nearing development completion. So the nearest scheme to the upscale sectors of Zone 1 Islamabad will be B-17. You can say the real Islamabad will come right to the doorstep of B-17. Multi's development standards and stone-throw distance from Zone 1 will make it the leader of all schemes outside Zone 1.
2. DHA Phase 2 is the runners up. Despite better development standards compared to Multi Garden, it is far from Zone I (which is the undisputed real Champion of Islamabad). This is the most posh community of Islamabad after the jewels of Zone 1. This status will attract the best fast food chains, the upscale shopping malls and the top notch educational and health facilities to DHA.
3. Bahria Town Rwp. Bahria will also attract the best facilities but its access is inferior as compared to DHA 2 so it is likely to fall one step behind DHA.
4. JKCHS Zone II. Despite average development standards, JKCHS-comprising G-15 and F-15-is the only project which will have direct access to Kashmir Highway (new airport link road) and GT road. Its strategic location will comfortably keep it at or near the top. The crossing between the Kashmir Highway and GT Road acts as the intersection between Rawalpindi, Islamabad, New Airport and Motorways to Peshawar and Lahore. It is already being described as the new Zero Point.
5. Bahria Enclave. Very scenic location surrounded by green hills and very close to Zone 1 Islamabad. Its excellent development standards will make Bahria Enclave a very pricey sector which will give tough competition to the better-located JKCHS.
6. D-17 and E-16/17 will vie for the Sixth Spot. These sectors will fight between them for the sixth position and the winner will be the one with better facilities.
InshaAllah. In the end, these predictions and all these sectors will have no value without Allah's will.
And we should pray to Allah that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will be stronger, more united and totally self-reliant in 2020. Ameen. Otherwise, people of every city and sector will be on the losing end.
This was probably the most intresting read so far for me.Seems like i was with but with facts and figures..
Good effort....
Totally disagreed No. 1 Would be Bahria
Bro just visit the market and you ll get the real picture,sitting here we are all going on speculations,
Ahmed bhai my reason for putting the crown on B-17's head is that by 2020, it will be almost at a stone's throw distance from new Zone 1 sectors: C-15 and C-16. These new CDA sectors will be some of the best in the future. Very near the hills in a splendid forest environment. Margalla Avenue will totally transform the fate of B-17 and catapult it to the very top insha-Allah.
On the other hand Bahria has better development standards but suffers the disadvantage of very bad access. DHA has the widest roads and better access.
Wow - great topic by Pk1 bhai. Visualising 2020 property market in 2014 makes you thinking the facts overerall, local, regional and global. Keep away your personel liking and disliking dear experts, and please share your open views.
I can see 12, 13 and 14 series flourshing higher than anything else in zone 1. More specifically, D, E, F and G sectors. You may see start of this by 2020 and completion around 2025. Zone 4 and 5 are different story. Those are going to be modern localities with lot of busniess and luxrious life style but away from actual Islamabad. Zone 2 to me, is going to be mix of low and middle level residential soceities with average kind of commercial centers.
I agree to Malik majeed
Pk1> My view I do not see B-17 anywhere in top 5 in 2020
that's a neutral opinion without any personal liking or disliking
Just pray that cda starts c15 and c16 and develop it in next 30 to 40 years…=P
Saadi bhai even if C-15 and C-16 are not finished by then, but Margalla Avenue is bound to be fully completed by then and D-12 is bound to be quite populated. InshaAllah.
@ PK1…Sir population in d12 is directly proportional to the speed of development work…Condition of d12 can be seen for last 25 years…
And lets not forget, unlike E-12 the land of C-15 and C-16 is free of encroachments and villages. So if CDA wishes to avoid the situation of E-12, it will have to develop these sectors quickly. Otherwise same story as E-12 will happen here as well.
So chances are C-15 and C-16 will materialize sooner than expected. But Allah knows best.
I will go with PK-1 by 2020 B-17 will be on top if not atleast it will be number # 2 after DHA. There are few facts which will make B-17 in edge position on DHA and Bahria in 2020.
1. GT road and Motorway access for Zone-2 comparing to another Zones not have unfortunately.
2. Completion of New Islamabad Airport definitely by 2020 which will put huge impact on Zone-2 societies.
3. Completion of Margalla Avenue will directly impact of B-17 location.
4. Kashmir highway widening and expansion will complete and G-14 and D-12 will be very much populated, which will put positive effect on B-17.
5. Multi farm houses Phase-1 will complete inshaAllah and populate which will impact on B-17 in positive way.
6. As we are listening Army GHQ will move near E-11 (Land is already acquired by Army),If this occur it will help another boost for B-17.
7. As most of members knows Hazara Expressway have been announced (From Hasan Abdal to Mansehra) by PM. If that one complete in this period of time it will give another Edge to Multi farm houses and B-17.
In the last Allah knows better what will actually happen this all my assumptions on basis of current situation.
Pk1 what a writing skills u got, and i agree with you Analysis, B17 would be on top in whole Zone 2 for next ten years.
But i think Bahria enclave would give some big surprises and take some position in top 4
Very Interesting topic.
I think B-17, Multi Orchards, Bahria Enclave 1, Bahria Phase 7-8, DHA 2, are going to be dream locations.
I think cda sector c15, DHA, Bahria rwp+ enclave, would be on the top , I don’t think b17 , b17 would be just like another society like roshan etc…
Interesting topic by Pk1, its interesting to read that thread in 2020 if i m alive that time.
if islamabad highway become widend, rawat interchange and rawalpindi link road will be made. Than whats the future of dha2. World trade center will be a good commercial hub in future. I think than dha 2 may be on top than b17.
MASHALLAH good writing PK1,
Well for the content u have placed as the top positions there might be some change in numbering but overall ur guess and analysis is worth reading.
Keep it up bro.
Brothers please do your ranking of 1 to 6 and tell us why u think so for each rank. JazakAllah.
1- zone-1: sectors D, E, F and G of series 12, 13 and 14
2- DHA ph-2
3- Bahria Enclave
4- Park Enclave
5- Multi B-17, F-17
6- Zone 2 others e.g. G-15, Faisal Town, Top City, Mumtaz. City, Shalimar Town
Last decade winner was E 11 multi and this decade winner will be B 17 multi
Zone 1 sectors are not in this competition please because there is no match between zone 1 and any other zone of Islamabad. Also not included are schemes outside Islamabad Capital Territory.