B17 Or G13 Or G15 Or DHA Or Bahria

Aoa, I plan to buy a plot before end of may InshaAllah and construct a house in or near Islamabad. My budget is 90 lac. Can you suggest where I can or should buy the plot? And why? I am currently considering options as listed in the subject of this mail.


Depends on whether 90 includes your construction cost.

In G-13 and G-14/4 you can try for plot size 35x70. In G-15/F-15 you can get one kanal (50x90).

These are your best options if you want to construct and start living soon. These places have gas, population, markets etc. Plus the location is excellent of these options.

B-17 is a very good place for the future as it is a bit far and it,will be more feasible after Margalla Ave completion which is in suspension for now. But some people are already living there too though they have to travel a longer distance as compared to G-13, 14, 15.

In zone 5 you can explore DHA phase 2.

In g13 the price of 30x60 is 105 lakhs…


I think it varies with plot location, not all are so high.


Thanks brothers,

Yes the total amount of 90Lakhs include construction cost as well :) so what are the options now?


Shahji just buy a small plot in E-17/3 Cabinet and start construction immediately. Prices of materials are rising fast.

Also land price in Cabinet is rising slowly but steadily. Buy before the next boom on Zone 2.

It is a CDA approved proper sector designed in the same square shape as typically found in Zone 1 CDA sectors. Underground electricity, good development and good location.

No gas yet but this will be resolved with time for all zone 2 inshaAllah.

Dear Pk1, what do u mean by small plot in E-17/3 ?

In my opinion if one can afford it - DHA 2 is a very stable investment. It has not gone down even in the current slump in property and continues to improve. DHA 2 - A to J prices are touching sky - they are more than what they were in September 2013 - and all this is because of alot of construction, alot of commercial development - all genuine/stable things.

I agree that commute on Expressway at the moment is tough - but if the present government extends the expressway 10 lane until Rawat + make it signal free (as part of the plan with CDA) - this can be a great area to live at.

You are right Waqar, but still we have to assume certain things, which no one is sure... Although DHA 2 is no doublt stable for investment.


Mr Khan there are some 30x60 and 35x70 plots in Cabinet. Sheikh sahab was chasing some small plots before he gave up the chase.

If Shahji can buy a small plot, he will have enough money to build a decent double story house.

But if he buys a bigger plot 50x90, he can still build a single story house if he does it on Labour rate.


Are you sure E-17/3 has 30x60 plots?


Yes even E-17/3 has a few 30x60 and 35x70 plots.

Mr Khan - actually the opportunity I see there is that it is stable + growing investment regardless of the 10 lane expressway. If you do get that project - it will be a bonus - if you dont - even then you continue appreciating and gain returns.

Thanks Pk1.

@ Waqar: I hv no doubt from investment point of view. We were discussing about the comparision of distance and daily commute through Islamabd Highway. Now you are diverting from that point.


A slight correction to what PK1 wrote about plot sizes.

E-16: Plot sizes are 30x60; 35x70; 50x90 and 75x120

E-17: 40x80 and 50x90.

Please note that 40x80 plots are very few, I think there only 2 or 3 streets where they have 40x80. Rest of entire E-17/3 consists of 50x90 plots.

Mr Khan - you are right from commuting point on view - as of today G-13/G-14/G-15 are better than DHA 2. Only G-15 has prices comparable to DHA 2 - but in development standards + facilities no comparison.

In fact F-17 is not bad either if you take motorway.

CDECHS - has this issue of Tarnol Phatak crossing - otherwise it was ok too. B17/D17 will have to wait for margalla avenue to be considered accessible.

I think once AWT interchange opens - people living in B17/D17/D18 can use the interchange too. There however is this dust factor in the area too - which may take a few years to go.

Khan Sahib i think streets 20 to 26 have small plots in E-17/3 of 30x60 and 35x70. Street 5 to 8 have 40x80.

But yes bulk of plots in E-17/3 are 50x90.

In order of priority,opt for the following..


dha 2(5 marla house an be constructed within 75 lacs)




G-15 (30x60) would be a much better option in this budget !

Cabinet cannot come at par with population , ease of access, all the living facilities available, Markaz offering mostly everything for routine life.


You are right PK1, I checked and found out that E-17/3 does have 30x60 and 35x70 size plots as well.