Aoa dear fellow members, could someone with on ground knowledge of b-17 advise wether it is the right time to sell the plots in b block of b-17 and if so what are asking price ranges there for a 50 x 90 plot?
At this time, I would suggest not selling anything, reason is continued currency devaluation.
If you are living in Pakistan, I would suggest to sale and move your money to stock market. Recent crash in PSE opened best opportunity to invest in stocks and wait for the next take-off. Property has no future for another 10 years at least. With stocks at least you know the actual and accurate picture of the market on daily basis.
In property you are the mercy of jahil dealers and corrupt developers. Only time you know trust pictures of the market is when you place your own plot for sale in market.
On the other hand, if you are a foreigner, might as well sale and convert your money in to dollars because more you delay, more you will loose because of devaluation in Pakistani rupee.
A relative of mine who is a British citizen owns 2 shops in Islamabad and before this devaluation they were offered 12.5 crore for both but they didn't sale. Now after devaluation, no one is willing to give them even 10 crore for both and devaluation also lost over 30% of the additional value against GBP.
Had they not waited for so this long, they would've had more pounds in their bank account. So be smart and sale while you are above the water.