B-17 Multi Garden 1 Kanal Plot Price

Dear seniors,

I need 1 Kanal plot in Multi Gardens, B-17. Can anyone kindly tell the current price of 10 Marla & 1 Kanal plot in Multi Gardens B-17.

Kindly tell me which block is suitable for pure residence purpose after 1 year.

Dr. Rasheed Aghai
K.Saudi Arabia

Dear Dr.Rasheed

Its very good time for purchasing. But finding a plot which is in the least price is very difficult.

B block is best for living. As its already developed and many people have constructed their homes there already. Price for a kanal plot is from 80 to 95.

But for investment point of view E block is the best, as possession will be in july and prices are low. Price for a kanal is from 48 to 60 lac depending on the location.

Plus E block will be the most beautifully developed block in B-17.

What is the date for handing over of plots in c block

Possession will be given in July 2014.

Best of living is B block.

For investment E block is the best.

I am selling my 10 marla corner plot in E block in 35 lacs, need cash for finishing my under construction house in Islamabad.


Thanks a lot Nasir sb.

Please also answer few more questions:-

What is 10 marla price in c block?

what will be prospects of price hike, if margala avenue inaugurated in june 2014. OR is this date of inauguration is correct?

@ Shan

What is the source of information.

MA will be inaugurated in june 2014.

You mean it will be open for trafic?

Whenever MA got operational. There is substantial rise in prices expeted in the B 17 property. Rest Allah knows better.

Thank you very much for senior members for up dated me.

Respected Nasir Khurshid sahab, can you kindly send tour plot number in my E mail



Thank you dera senior members of this forum......


I have a good location kanal corner plot in E block. Final price for it is 55 Lac. Anyone interested can reach me on 03355666545.

In B-17, Block-B is good for living purpose but here you will get 1 kanal plot in 80 lacs approx.

10 marla may cost u around 50 lacs at good location.


We can offer you design and construction services with quality works and time completion.





But why there is so much ambiguity about Margalla Avenue in market. Does anyone observed its construction

Respected members my offer is still on. Kindly read my previous post on this thread.