Need to know advice for investment in B-17 F block.
Long term 3-5 years, development to start soon and area is generally clear from villages etc. However, Margalla Avenue can be a game changer and prices of files may rise a lot.
For long term(comparatively less investment)I guess DHA valley will give better ROI than F BLOCK OF b-17. Though the risks involved are higher too.
F-BLOCK will most probably get motorway interchange approval. If they get that then F block can give back good returns in around 2 years.
Allah knows better.
Zubair Sb how can you say that F block will get interchange approved? Are you talking about Sangajani interchange, if yes then I think it benefits AWT mainly but B17 could benefit as well if it links up with surrounding societies to get access to the interchange.
Junaid, B-17 will have its own interchange. This was stated by multi management in recent AGM. Sangajani interchange is far away from F-block.
In the AGM F-BLOCK proposed planned map was displayed near gate. F-BLOCK interchange was on the map. Later they confirmed in the speech that they are working on the possibility for interchange.The have already acquired land for this purpose. Since it is still in planning stage,they did not give any concrete statement.
Since they have acquired land already,means they are serious about it. Obviously next big step will be to get NOC from NHA for motorway exchange. Last important step will be to arrange finance. At the moment they have limited recoures.
Dear Kami,
agreed with Junaid very long term investment.