Awami villa 3 ready to move

To all respected members i need your advice on awami villa 3 phase 8.

One of my friend selling his awami villa 3 795 sqf ready to move. Asking price is 21 lacs. My humble request to all of you plz advice me .

Can i live with my family after 8 to 10 months. Just for a couple ?
Can i rent it out ? And it's easy to find a buyer after 1 year ?


Do u mean awami villa or awami apartment? Price seems too good for awami villa, isn’t it?

@Hamza. Living with family should be possible as soon as the construction people finish their job and move out. That could take about a year. You could then find renters for this place as well, but it will take time to pick up because right now, that area is very sparsely populated. The price seems good if its on the ground floor. If its on the second floor then its just okay.

What is the location of awami villa 3??

Bahi it’s awami apartments. First floor corner block. It’s located near N