Authority Declares Bahria Town Sectors Illegal

It seems Bahria orchard project is in trouble but there is a reference to sectors D, E and F as well.

The competent authority after hearing the arguments and examining the entire record rejected the plea of Bahria Town and declared its development work against the rules.

In his decision, the secretary local government & community development department wrote, "after hearing the parties and perusal of the record carefully, it is observed that appellant started the development works in these sectors without approval of the TMA in violation provisions of Punjab private housing schemes and sub division rules, 2010. Appellant also failed to provide the documents of ownership of the proposed site and bank statement. Appeal is therefore rejected being not maintainable."\08\31\story_31-8-2013_pg7_1

Hello MBS,

Thank you for sharing. I hope Malik Sahib would look into the matter, as investors' money is on stake.

Regards, z@in N@deem

Dear MBS Thanks for the info, things should settle down now between govt and bahria enough hide and seek

You're right Syed and am sure they will be sooner or later. Its all part of a regular game in the politics of power and money.

Bahria likes to go around the rules to make extra money and the government does not let it go without a bargain, so we see these drama episodes every 2-3 months until they cut a deal :)

The same scandal was raised few months back too when TMA put some warning notices in local newspapers

Reference link is invalid MBS .. please check.


I have heard that deal has already been finalized, but only Allah knows that how much true that news is?


The way I see it, it’s disgusting to say the least. They would deprive people of a quality housing society for their petty, personal gains. Such sad little people.