Airline Avenue Vs. Khudadad City

I want to purchase a plot. Which one is preferable either “Airline Avenue” or “Khudadad City”???

I'm also looking to buy a plot in one of these two. I have explored few things. My analysis is as follows:

Airline Avenue


  1. No NOC. They have applied for RDA and CAA but did not get any yet.

  2. A small area, 200 kanals only. No university/hospital planned.

  3. Plot size 25x45, 35x65, etc.

  4. Street Size minimum is 30 feet.

  5. Monthly installment for 25x45 is 32,500. Total amount 15lac.

Khudadad City


  1. NOC from RDA, CAA, etc.

  2. 3000 kanals area.

  3. Plot size is 25x50, 30x60, etc.

  4. Minimum street size is 40 feet.

  5. Monthly installment for 25x50 is 15000. Total amount 15 lac.

From the above comparison, we can see that Khudadad City is the preferable between the two. BUT the problem is that it is owned by Anjum Aqeel Khan who does not have a good reputation due to Khudadad Heights. Is it still worth to invest here ?

It has to be Air Avenue.

Thanks Samra for your comments. Is it ok to invest in Air Avenue as it does not have any approval from RDA or CDA ?

Thanks Samra and specially Farhan for his detail analysis.

I have two hesitant points, while purchasing in Khudadad city (KC)

1) Khudadad owner is Anjum Aqeel khan and people say he has not good repute in his previous Khudadad heights project. Khudadad height was delayed for a long time for development.

2) Khudadad city is now launched third times. First it was launched in about 2005 and in the last 9 years they didn't developed a single marla of land

3) There is no representative of khudadad city to whom we can meet. Currently, Moon marketing is at the face and holding KC site office. Moon marketing contract period of three months is going to expire and then to whom i will contact???

4) As Farhan said, Airline Avenue (AA) has no NOC from RDA and CAA. Further chairman AA, Mahmood Nawaz Saleem, is an Attorney Holder. Trust on AA is difficult to do.

Stuck in decision. I have about 4 lac and i was seeing these two housing schemes as an investment, but both seems to be risky.

Advise and suggestions are invited.

Thanking you.

Dear Irshad,

In this amount, i would suggest you to find something in JKCHS Zone-V. I think you can get 30*60 plot file with down payment only in around 4 lacs. Atleast you will have a piece of mind that your investment is safe. As a society, JKCHS is much better than AA and khudadad. I don't think you can get anything in 4 lacs other than this option.

I need other members to comment on my suggestion.

Can anybody tell about shalimar town? Is it good investment

Yasir-2, you are right. Can you also update us about the current status of JKCHS-Zone-V?

JKCHS- zone 5 had announced 30x60 plots last year @ 5 lac cost of land and 12500 per month development charges.

Either people had paid cost of land and investment or if i purchase the plot, i will have to pay. IN both cases, the price reach to more than 8 lac.

ONe thing is common between khudadad city and JKCHS-zone 5, which is these both launched in 2005 and still not developed yet.