Advice on plot buying

A.O.A , i need an advice from dear experts regarding residential plot buying, i am planing to buy 5 marla plot in bahria town phase 8, at the moment its just for investing purpose but plan to construct a house for residnce if posible, got two offers 1)5 marla in block m at about 18 lac , and 2) 5 marla non posesio n plot in garden city at around 23 lac. Please give your valuable advice .

Go for a plot in safari valley ali block with possession…If you are interested in bahria deals,you can contact me at 03455370978.

Dear Bilal,

Bahria phase8 safari valley is good for living and i am agree with SAADI sab Ali block is good because it's fully developed block.


If you plan to build your house after 4-5 years then M block is fine, otherwise its better to go for Rafi block or Ali block. Rafi block will cost a bit more but it is a superior block in development terms, but both are good options.

Thankyou brothers for ur replies, i also thought about Ali block and visited a dealer there too but the problem is my bugdet , i had 20 lac earlier and could only get to 22 lac after aranging 2 more whereas Ali block plot would cost a minimum 25 , thats why i was thnking of M block or garden city , what is ur view about garden city? Plus do u brothers have any other option for me in my said budget?

Go for M block.

Dear Bilal,

Agree with ManahilEstate M block is good in this budget also check Gulberg and B-17 E block.
