7 marla plot in safari valley phase 8 bahria town

Is it a good option to invest in 7 marla plot in safari valley phase 8 bahria town abu bakr, usman,umar or rafi block? If yes how much to invest and how long for good return?

Yes it is a very good investment hope so one would get 25 % return in 2 to 3 years … Plot in abu bakar and rafi block would cost u around 4 million,but i heard rafi block if full of filling land. Umer and usman block are little cheaper as they are less developed at the moment and location is behind

Dear Sharjeel Zubair,

Safari valley one of best place for living and for investment.I am not sure for good return but at the moment it's best.Allah is the best planner and he knows what will be the best for us.you can the check prices below thread on forum.

