3 Million For Plot?


Want to buy a possession plot in Pindi/Isloo. My max range is 3 million.

Please guide me.


Is it for living or investment?

@Khan Sahib..Want to live there in 3 to 5 years.


My suggestion is to buy a 35x70 plot in Cabinet society E-16/3. Sui gas is available there. Location is good, perhaps much better than D-17 and B-17. With tarnol phatak expansion, travel time to Blue Area Islamabad will considerably reduce. I encourage you to visit there, and buy a plot directly from owner. In 3 million, I think you cannot get any deal better than that of Cabinet E-16. This is my sincere advice. However, experts can guide you better.

Thank you Khan Sahib. I will try visiting the area.

Thank you for the advice.

More suggestions are welcome with thanks.

You can check societies in zone 4 like Jinnah Garden and they will fall in your budget and hopefully you can get a 7-10 marla possession plot here. E-16/3 is a good option as prices are low here and possession is also there and within 3-5 years it maybe a living community. Drawback is you need to cross tarnol phatak and even after road expansion you may still get stuck their during busy hours for an hour or more so better visit there and see the place yourself.

Arshad, your comments are appreciated. However, please keep in mind that the existing phatak was a bottleneck, which allowed passage of only two vehicles at a time and that too at almost zero speed. The expansion work when completed will actually remove that bottleneck making it good for passage of 4 vehicles at a time at a reasonable speed. Moreover, the traffic from fatehjang will not cross from the existing point. The traffic will take a left and then after some distance it will take a U-Turn. I am sure that traffic will be quite smooth, perhaps much smoother than what it is now on express way leading to Jinnah Garden. The only traffic hurdle on this route is the police picket located before Tarnol which is there to serve only the criminal intent of the police highups, otherwise this picket has no significance at all as far as crimes control is concerned. The picket is an absolute criminal act which no civilized society in the world will ever allow. For an ordinary person it is a major traffic nuisance while for Police it is a big source of income, and no other legitimate purpose is served or any objective achieved. So I would still suggest that the gentleman should go for Cabinet and insha’Allah his decision will prove good for him and for his family. Once the airport becomes operational and about 200 to 300 house constructed in this society the prices of plots will be beyond reach for many. However, if the gentleman was doing this for the purpose of investment, then he should go for some other places where he could make quick money in 1-2 years. Good luck!

@ Arshad thank you and once again thank you very much khan sahib for your sincere advise.

Bro, buy it in Aghoush society phase 1 Islamabad, This place has a good approach from the Express way, Construction work is going on a fast pace in its surrounding and will develope as a good society in near future

Khan sahib i agree with you. Kindly let me know a few things

*is gas available in the whole E-16 - E-17

*how many houses constructed so far if you have visited the place

*have prices increased in the last 12 months or stale

*has any commercial activity been there and if so how long will it take to become functional

  • are there any street lights available

  • concerning tarnol phahtak i want to know other than the road expansion will the gates be expanded as well to make it up for the 4 lane vehicles.

  • traffic coming from fateh jang currently has to cross the phatak first if moving towards peshawar so will this crossing still be there after road expansion.

*is it better to wait for some real activity to start in cabinet and then jump in or invest now

Replies to your questions are as below:

  • Yes, gas is available in Cabinet, I will have to check about E-17 whether they have laid underground gas pipes, but for E-16 it is 100% confirmed that the residents have already been using the gas after the meters were installed.

  • About 15-20 houses are complete, and more are coming up. I personally know 6 families already staying there.

  • No, there has been no increase in prices in the last 12 months. The stalemate could be attributed to the overall slump in the real estate sector. However, prices in E-17 have witnessed significant increase in the last 12 months.

  • No commercial activity has taken place in Cabinet except construction of a multi-storey building. I am unable to guess how long it will take but its time is not far away.

  • There are no street lights. In fact, they have yet to start underground electricity cabling work which is likely to start soon.

  • Yes, I have been told that the crux of the whole expanstion exercise is to expand the gates otherwise it will be meaningless.

  • Most of the traffic coming from Fateh Jang is actually destined to Rwp/Islamabad. As I said earlier, this traffic will not hit the GT road directly on the existing point, but will take a left first and from GT road it will take a U turn.

  • When the real activity starts then obviously the land will become a bit expensive. By the way, buying plots in cabinet is more suitable for living, not for making quick bucks because the past trend show that increase in cabinet prices has been gradual and not abrupt because the dealers have not played any game in this society, but when they do the prices will be out of reach. So I recommend that anyone wanting to buy a plot for living should give serious consideration to Cabinet society.

I hope I have responded to all of your questions. All the best!

Dear Khan33,

i agreed with Khan Sahib but Arshad sab is also right.for living+investment zone5 is best and zone2 is just for investment at the moment not for living.

Zone5 Bahria phase8 according to block 7 to 10 marla with possession.

Dha phase2 N or P block 3.3 to 3.6 10marla no possession.

Gulberg is also good option.

Zone2... My vote is going to B-17 C or E block.


Thx khan saab and nadeem saab for your valued input

Nadeem ahmed sahib, in 30 lacs which block of bharia do u recommend? With possession or without??.

Thanks again to all for the input.

Very nicely summed up by Khan Sahib,

any how its the mindset of buyer ,as which direction he prefers, bahria phase 8 or e-16 both are for living purpose in near times and are ready so,

gulberg residencia (small plots)is yet to wait at least 5 years or more to be considered for living,

in phase 8 go for safari valley ,you will find something with possession in 3 million.

@Khan Sahib,sir what rates are prevailing now a days for 10 Marla and 1 kanal in e-16 cabinet please?

Will agree with Nadeem bhai ,dha 2 block N or P 10 marla is the best choice both for residential as well as investment point of view

Dk… Thanks…for the information.

Dear Khan,

If you are interested I am selling my 35*70 plot in E-16/3

Many thanks Dk bahi.

Dear Khan33,

Agree with Dk safari valley is fully developed and there is hundreds of houses with all facilities.


Mr. Zia… Demand please?