1 kanal plot in DHA 2 ( sector N / P) or Gulberg (sector A / B)?

Respected members,

I am confused between 1 kanal plot in gulberg islamabad (sector A/B) and 1 kanal plot in dha phase 2 sector N or P, which will be a better option keeping in mind the house construction for personal living?

Your advice and comments will be highly appreciated.


Sir as far as i have heard gulberg has some serious land issues which were even hinted by khshnood ali khan in his program some few days ago so dha is a safe option in comparison.

@ Saadi Bhai,

Is there land acquisition issue in Block A/B of Gulberg?

Would you please share the details.

I consider Gulberg as an option because of its location. It is relatively close to Islamabad and Rawalpindi as well.

Initial Blocks are good for building own home, isn't it?

It is requested that please share your opinions and compare both on development standards and facilities etc.

Sir much of the info has not been revealed but inner story as told by some people is that there are some land issues.Even this issue has started getting attention in media.I personally consider as much safer investment.Prices of dha will surely remain much higher than gulberg due to its tag value.Even its non developed plots are much expensive then developed ones of gulberg. I personally think gulberg is still far from what we can call as credible project.

Saadi bhai in terms of ROI which is better. If a kanal plot in DHA is say 10 million and gains to 11 million by next year so one would make a return of 1 million but at the same time in gulberg a kanal plot gains from 5 million to 7 million so the return would be 2 million, than gulberg is a better option in terms of investment.

It is just a case i don't know which will gain and which won't but what you think can give higher returns in the next few years. DHA is expensive and getting more expensive with time. Maybe gulberg can manage to fill that gap.

Arshad sir its a matter of credibility and tag value…Dha will keep on gaining what i actually think.After the finalization of matters regarding garden city another investment venue will be there so i dont think so with these lucrative options available gulberg will manage to fill the gap.Secondly demand supply factor+investor interest also plays in some role.

Saadi bhai this garden city is a BT project right? what has it got to do with DHA 2?

Sir its 5 zones are being taken over by dha…some legal matters are yet to be finalized.

@saad: I am still waiting for your email reply…

A and b block is partially develop no land issue buy in initial numbers where the development is going on the ground inshallah will give u good return and it’s near green and 50 feet street so will be best for living Dha is also good but location is far away when u compare it to gulberg.

I think i have failed to explain my concerns. I am not primarily concern with price appreciation and ROI etc.

My simple concerns are

which one place will be populated 1st?

Which place will provide more facilities?

Parks and other activities expected for healthy life?

Which kind of community will develop in both places?

Ease of access to Islamabad/Rawalpindi?


Suleiman sb for all these concerns gulberg is more suitable, no doubt dha is safe and big brand, but just visit N/P bock and gulberg, dha blocks are far away.

if you want to be safe then you can go for a developed plot in gulberg A block as part of it is already underdevelopment and no land issue will be there.

In terms of living its a wide debate. Location wise Gulberg is better. As far as Parks school and better infrastructure DHA is Better. Community wise also DHA 2 is better if you have childeren they leran alot from the environment you put them which develop there personality.

I think Gulberg has better location but community and infrastructure wise DHA 2 is better now its upto you which to choose.

@ AKH..Sir responded.

@ suleiman..Sir population wise gulberg may populate first.

Facilities wise dha will surely take the lead.

@ Saadi,

Sir, what is the size of streets in N/P Sector of DHA phase-2?

I have noticed in the map that DHA made the parks on cutting/irregular plots mostly in new sectors. And mini commercial, park and masjid are not together. So there are only few options to be close to masjid, park and commercial at the same time. New sectors seems not to be like A-J in term of facilities (parks, sport activities, multi entry points) in my opinion. I may be wrong in my analysis.

If Gulberg fulfills its promises, then Gulberg may become a decent place to live. But security wise DHA will be more better than Gulberg.

@ Suileman the distance from gulberg residencia to isb expressway is roughly 7 kms. From dha 2 to gulberg on isb expressway is about the same distance.

So distance wise gulberg Residencia has no added benefit

Agreed with arshad sb…no added advantage for residencia owners.

@ Arshad

Brother, I appreciate your point about distance. I was thinking about it too.

@ Saadi

Could you please let me know about street sizes in sector N/P. Also please comment on my last post. Do you agree on my observation?