Vohra Estate
Agency Staff
About Vohra Estate
We are a Team of highly experienced professionals and investors who have diversified handson experience and know how to increase investors wealth by capitalizing in Real Estate. We have Head Quarter in Lahore with customers and investors around the world mainly in USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Pakistan.Our Goal is to generate attractive riskadjusted returns ROI for our investors across cycles in short, medium and over the long term. MY Ventures Real Estate platform encompasses investments across the risk spectrum from opportunistic to core to value added. We seek to acquire high quality investments at discounts to Sell, Develop or Retain. Our efforts result in Solid Returns for investors and strong economic assets for communities. MY Ventures Real Estate focus is Commercial, Land Acquisitions, Industrial and Residential Properties while offering the following Services to our Prestigious Clients PortfolioAssets ManagementProject Marketing ManagementReal Estate ConsultancyReal Estate InvestmentsReal Estate BrokerageConstruction Management There is always an opportunity to invest in Real Estate. Timely Rational Decisions Nurture Greater Returns. We believe and our Pride is to serve the customers to the maximum satisfaction with Quality Service, Transparency, Honesty and above all Dignity.Growing Together Our Motivation Achieving Excellence Our Aim MY Ventures Team

Mommin Sohail
CEOThere is Always an Opportunity to Invest in Real Estate. Timely & Rational Decisions Nurture Greater Returns - Imran Rashid