Libra Properties & Builders

Lahore, Pakistan

Agency Staff

Libra Properties (CEO)

About Libra Properties & Builders

Libra Properties Builders builts its Reputation on financial strength, the ability to respondquickly to opportunities in the market place and a history of positive performance on behalf our clients. Our Company is not confident by traditional real estate boundaries when it comes to buying , selling and renting or asset management, instead we are always coming up with new innovative ways to satisfy our client's need and be the leading company in real estate industry.Our Team Is handson when it comes to visiting the sites for approval to make sure that all properties are in good condition, location and perfect view before showing it to the clients.We also work continually to interpret and act upon economic forces in the market place. And with every transaction, we stress on creative solving coupled with judicious application of sound real estate principles.

Libra Properties


To be the Most Successful Real Estate firm in Pakistan by developing and selling of Real Estate as cost effective as possible while maintaining the highest level of service

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