Multi Plus Real Estate Marketing Pvt. Ltd

Islamabad, Pakistan

Agency Staff

Sajid Afridi Kaleem Afridi (CEO)

About Multi Plus Real Estate Marketing Pvt. Ltd

Our mission is to provide investors with superior returns through an investment in real estate business. Real estate investing can be very profitable, but at the same time it can also be very risky. To overcome such risks and make your life easy, please contact us with your needs. We deal in all kinds of commercial and residential properties in Islamabad.

Sajid Afridi Kaleem Afridi


CEO of Multi Plus Pakistan" A designation for which I have struggled day and night and so it is backed by several success stories. Being the expert of land dealings, I keep my knowledge up-to-date about the current condition of real estate industry in Pakistan; effect of economic & political issues on real estate sector; property rates; effects of foreign investment on realty market and many other factors that directly hit the industry and its prices. But yes, no one can be all-in-all so I always appreciate and encourage all debates and discussions related to real estate. Because the more we discuss about different pieces of land, the more we love the one big piece of land - Our motherland, Our Pakistan. Thank you.

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