Ladies and Gentlemen,
Firstly, excuse me for not replying sooner I have been extremely busy with so much work here in Dubai.
Secondly, if I have offended anyone then please forgive me, my intentions are not to offend people and I realise I may have come off as being a bit rude.
Look I do not have to justify anything to anyone, I am merely looking to give advise as to the best of my abilities.
I know that Dubai is not a long term investment and I know and have repeated again and again that anyone who puts all their eggs(investments) in one basket(market) they are destined to fail in the long run.
Now if you are in this situation I would highly recommend to diversify your investments.
Dubai is artificial, but to think that besides the wrath of Allah sub. Any event like a global economic crisis will effect it in the long run, is the to think that the sky is pink year round.
The richest Pakistanis are doing business, holding investments and even living in Dubai. There must be a reason for this?
I do not agree with all the principals of this nation, however I dont have to, to invest.
If you do some google research you will find all the 20 new laws I will post them, when I get a chance.
At the end of the day in the next 200 years Pakistan is not going to be able to gain access to over 200 different nationalities as is the case in Dubai. They must be doing something right?
If you would like to invest of gain more information please feel free to talk to me or if you have a problem with me then find someone else but just know that I was at a meeting with the Director of Emaar and he told me the saddest news.
He told me about how they tried to launch their new development in Pakistan and there was 2 lines outside the office. One line full of normal people and another line full or ministers with their guards with guns, who came later and refused to line up with the rest of the people.
When the doors opened, the Emaar representative served the people that where there first and that is when the other line immediately started threatening that if they do not get served first no one gets served, long story short, the police where called and Emaar was told to leave Pakistan.
Not one property was sold that day to the crowd that would have sold the properties out in a matter of minutes and now Emaar has said that never again will they enter into Pakistan to sell their properties.
I have direct access to Emaar and DAMAC properties in Dubai but that is not the point, the point is that this is the condition of the people in Pakistan and those that know good investment know that Dubai is so good. Unfortunately the actions of a few the whole of Pakistan suffers.
I am giving everyone in Pakistan the ability to buy solid investment because I would rather a Pakistani brother than an Indian one. At the end of the day the most billionaires in the world are in India and they are all over Dubai.
You be the judge and make up your own mind as you are all grown adults. Just never trust someone that says that there is no risk in an investment, because that person has either no idea or is lying to you.