Agosh-II Status

It seems that they dont have enough land to give plots to every member. Its my perception

The Property Dealers are active in creating artificial hype in prices of Aghosh-II. The ground situation is although the same. No real development and huge rumours.

The same old story, Purchase good chunk of available files of any dead society like Aghosh-II, CBR Phase-II, J&K ECHS (Zone V)etc. From the Market, Create Hugh Buzz and artificial demand and then sell them at very high prices to the innocent genuine buyers.

My piece of advise is to first look at the post achievement of the the management or development of society (in this case status of Aghosh-I) and then decide for investment in their other projects. Lastly, be extra careful while going for purchase in such societies without signs of concrete physical development.

For further advise you can cantact me at

Amer Hassan

@ Amer Hassan dear agochs1 and agochs2 are independent from each other. AGOCHS-II is undeveloped but now development has started machinery can be seen at the site. The location is awesome in front of dha2 where the price of plot is 12-25 million.

@ Amer Hassan signs of concrete physical development. Then price will be 7 million.

File required, plz contact 03345009036

I purchased the land in 2004 and got the plot No in 2005 as per the layout plan. Then there was a news that the site was being taken over by DHA, but later DHA issued a Public Notice that DHA had nothing to do with it as they had found irregularities in the records after going through the due diligence process.

I visited the site a couple of weeks ago to checkout the status. I was told that I should be thankful to them that my Plot had not been cancelled and asked me to deposit the remaining amount of "Cost of Land" which is appearing as per their record with 40% Surcharge. They further asked me to deposit two installments of Development Charges of Rs 500,000 and refused the accept the check of Cost of Land + 40% Surcharge until I pay Development charges along with it.

I am feeling victimized threatened as first of all I had already paid the Cost of Land in 2004-2005 when the plot was transferred to me and Plot No. Was allotted to me, and secondly AGOSH-II has not obtained NOC from CDA yet to initiate the Development work. Needless to say there is hardly any development work going on for the past 11 years i.e no roads, no lights/electricity,no sewerage, no marking of streets/plot no nothing

Please help me what should I do....this is my hard earned money which seems to go down the drain.

Your story a norm in real estate sector of pak…CDA, bahria, DHA…never trust on files…they issue plots on instalments to get interest free loan from general public which otherwise cost them billions if taken from banks…no guarantee if they use the money for development and handover plots on time…they may use it to creat more assest of their children…common man is always looser in above scene…no government policies r place to protect your interest…it’s better to accept the loose today, sell the file and purchase something meaningful…don’t trust any of these cheaters…

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My sincere advice is to deposit the money instead of selling the file. U have waited long enough and now is the time that they have to deliver. Make sure to gather all the evidence of payments. This is a high value land and they cant run away with it. Try put pressure on management for development. If u do want to sell then the market price is 8.5 lak profit on payed amount.

Anybody interested in buying aghosh-2 1 kanal plot file contact 0333-5171772


30 lac ......

Contact at 03335171772

1 Kanal plot for sale in aghosh phase 2..



I am also member of Agochs-II, Since 2005 i am also victim of this scame… 1st gather all members and put pressure through court

Lets makes some pressure on Agosch-ii Administration, I am also victim of this scam since 2005… Please make group of all members and forward to each other : my email is

By the way I visited the site few weeks back for the first time since 2005 and saw some development work going on, although slow paced. Not sure when are they going to finish it.

They just want to grab more money as development charges, so that’s why they pretend fake development on their site to show the customer that development started. Since 2005 we are waiting and now they need more money from customers. Same thing they did in 2005 to start development and took millions of amount from people and then stopped development with false execues. In jangle’s law nobody is going to ask them, why people suffer from this society … They are just cheater… My advise gather all the allottee’s email/contact detail etc. And put the case to court…

Dear All File Holders of the AGHOSH-II,

I agree with the remarks of other brothers that until we make a UNION of MUTASREEN AGHOSH-II nothing will happen.

I think we should share our list and make a proper UNION to take on with the AGHOSH Management, nothing will happen.

The management is sleeping as we all are not united and are sleeping.

Kindly get united for protection of our rights.

Zaheer Pervaiz Khan

Holder of a file of AGHOSH-II

My email:

WE should get together to protect our rights.

Can someone help??

Dear Zaheerr,

I totally agree with your remarks and suggestion to form a union of aghosh plots file owners, please see my details mentioned in email sent to you.

I think someone need to gather data of file holders to contact all.

IF any one wants to sellor buy in agochs 2 please contact me. I have my own plot also im asking about 45 lac rupees for my plot. Its boylevard corner plot all dues clear. Society is giving possession in next two months to first two blocks. Its best investment opporunity right now.

Contact no. 0335-9491752