The Punjab Police have launched ‘Women Safety App’ that allows women to contact the police, without making any calls and garnering suspicion. All women have been urged to download the app, to be in constant contact with the police and be free of any suspicion. This app is especially important at a time when the government is making steady progress in introducing a number of mobile applications, but what sets apart the Women Safety App is that it is the first-of-its-kind safety app for women. If you are a working woman, or someone who has to step outside the comfort of your home, this app is for you.
Let’s see how the Women Safety App works.
Women Safety App

While giving details, a senior official of the Punjab Police announced the launch of Women Safety App which is a call-less method of lodging complaints, and seeking immediate help. Let’s see how the app works so all the users can be well informed.
How To Use The Women Safety App
This app is easily available on Play Store and can be downloaded on all Android and IOS Phones.
After installing, enter your registered contact number, on which the app will then send a code. As you enter the code, you’re redirected to a questionnaire where you’ll have to add:
- Your Name
- CNIC (optional)
- District
- Age
- Address (optional)
- Emergency Contact Email
- Emergency Phone Number

All of these details are to be filled in correctly. It’s advisable not to miss out on any details as in case of emergency, this is the only thing that the Punjab Police will have to access to.
After you fill in this information, you’ll have six options on your screen. These options are the kind of assistance that you can get from the Punjab Police.
Live Chat: This feature will allow all women to directly get in touch with a security representative from the Punjab Police. As per details, it is being ensured that the security representatives are also females so all the women in need can easily and freely talk about the nature of their problem.
Location: This feature will allow female users to share their live and active location with the security representatives. This is an essential feature of women who are hailing cab rides or are in someone else’s vehicle and want immediate support. In such cases, Live Chat and Location can be used together by the security officials to provide assistance to those in need.
1124: This is the helpline number for Punjab Police Highway Patrol. By clicking on this widget, you’ll be directed to make the call to Highway Patrol, and get your worry resolved.
130: This is the helpline number for Motorway Police, and by clicking on this you can easily get access to the officials of Motorway Police.
1122: This is the helpline number for Call Rescue. By calling on this number, you can request an ambulance in case of medical emergency or fire brigade in case of a fire.
1043: This is the helpline number for Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), which has a dedicated cell to address queries and offer support in case of domestic violence, cases pertaining to harassment be it in a public space, work, or office.

This is an extremely easy to use app and all of the above information and widgets are available in Urdu text as well. For those who want to communicate in Urdu, can easily do so using an Urdu keyboard on their android phones. As this is an app developed by Punjab Police, you can be sure that none of your information will be leaked or misused in any way. Moreover, as the backend is manned by female representatives, it is another reason why more women will be able to use it easily.
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This is a welcomed move and a step in the right direction to ensure support and aid for women, at a time when offering support is especially important. Do you think this app can be made better? Let us know in the comments below, or write to us at Also, keep checking Pakistan’s largest property blog, Zameen Blog, for the latest updates on Pakistan.