DHA Valley, which I thought would be quiet little development in Islamabad, turned to be a really huge project. The project is planned to stretch over thousands of kanals of land and so far, only 45% of it has been acquired. But before DHA acquires all of the land it needs for the project, concrete infrastructure development in DHA Valley is not possible.
Although the project was announced several years ago, the acquisition of only 45% of land until now is what has alarmed many. People have now started questioning the reasons behind these unexplained and painfully long delays in acquisition of land for DHA Valley. Before these differences between the DHA authorities and some well-known people and important public figures find their way into public discourse and create further problems for all involved, I believe the matter should be resolved.
Even though development is slow, it is ongoing, so we cannot question the intentions of DHA because the blocks for which land has been acquired are being developed at a constant pace. These blocks include Lilly Block, Oleander Block, Magnolia Block, Sunflower Block, Tulip Block, Zinnia Block, Marigold Block, Bluebell Block, and Lavender Block. The road infrastructure in these block has been developed and the rest of the work is in progress.
Another reason why the development in DHA Valley is a bit slow is the halted work on DHA Expressway. DHA Expressway will connect DHA Valley directly to Islamabad Expressway. The news about development of Dadocha Dam on Ling River has caused this delay and the construction of DHA Expressway has stopped in the middle. Some agents and investors believe that announcement of Dadocha Dam has further complicated the situation by acquiring a big chunk of DHA Valley land at the dam’s proposed site.
The sad part is that as of now, no one is really sure when these disputes in land acquisition will be resolved and DHA Valley will be able to move forward with its development plans. At the moment, you will not find a lot of people convinced of investing in DHA Valley since many of them already know what’s going on here. The rest who find themselves convinced to make a purchase in this development are lured by the cheap property rates of residential plots. The property here is the cheapest you can find in Islamabad (or Rawalpindi, technically).
For those looking for long-term property investments, investing in DHA Valley right now would seem justified but if you are already frustrated at the slow pace of development and the uncertainty that has made this project a less promising one, you should not expect the rates to climb overnight. Selling your plot in DHA Valley as soon as you find a decent deal could be the best option for you.
Since January 2014, the values of 5-marla and 10-marla plots in DHA Valley have dropped by 13.60% and 4.94% respectively. If you compare these rates with the peak rates recorded in the mid of 2013, the drop in sale prices is even steeper. Let me also tell you this: DHA Valley is perhaps the only reasonable development around Islamabad where you can find property at such low rates. Once these issues are solved (no one has any idea when), property rates here will shoot up. If you can afford to patiently wait for that time, you must retain your property in DHA Valley.
Meanwhile, the authorities of DHA Islamabad should also be mindful of the investors’ concerns. If you have any information to share with me about DHA Valley, please use the comments section below.
On a side note, you can also consider these popular areas to buy properties in Islamabad: Abdullah Garden, Alipur Farash, F-5, Aiza Garden, and F-6.

Comments are closed.
Very nicely composed ,and a broader picture of dha valley being presented in a thorough way, THANKS.
just wondering about DHA HOMES,if they are ready and in next 2- 3 years are occupied by inhabitants, then without surrounding population ,how could it be a liveable place , .I think we can expect some real positive news about the valley after the possession of these DHA HOMES ….SO we can hope something good in next 3-5 years.
Insha Allah DK, let’s hope that the next couple of years bring along all sorts of blessings for Pakistan and its people.
Hi guys,
I payed about $18,000 for a 10 merla plot, which worthed PK Rs1,000,000, now this plot worth same in Pak Rs, but in dollar it worth $10, 000, I have lost $8,000, in 7 years, and hope will loose more in coming years. what kind of people are running that country, I just tried to help people there but they just know how to cheat people. I am not going to send even a single dollar. I will suggest all oversea Pakistanis to stay away from government controlled projects, These projects are intended to grab money and go.
DHA Valley is not a government project but a joint venture of DHA, Bahria and Habib Rafique. Since the project’s name has DHA in it, it is DHA which takes all the cursing of investors and bahria, who was responsible for the infrastructural development of the whole project, walks out unscratched.
Nonetheless, I know that DHA wont sit quiet for long to let people suffer. Please read the following article for latest update on the project:
Dear Samra,
I read all your comments, they looks my be true but problem is that, people trusted Defence department, many places you wrote, dha has acquired only 45% of the land, it looks they sold dreams only. How can you sell if you have nothing? Ok what about that 45%, they should hand over to owners long time before, if this 45% does not belong to road construction.
I think people should insist to hand over whatever they has, does not matter it is in phases, at least they should start doing it. we were planning to build house in Islamabsd. how long can can I hold $100,000 just to wait for some dha officle, the house which was going to cost $100,000 in 2007 will cost $ 150,000 or more. Is it a feasible investment ? no it is loss, is dha is going to take responsibility for inflation? no. so everybody is stuck, nobody wants to loose his investment, that is why they are holding back these plots. Even if I can pull out my $18,000 , I will be happy.
It is said that valley is a joint venture of bahria ,Habib Rafiq and Dha.At the start of this project this was never told .the initial brochures showed it only to be a project of dha.I don’t know how bahria and Habib Rafiq jumped into it.Astonishingly all the funds collected amounting to 52 billion have been transferred to Bahria ,what Bahria has done uptill now..why this amount has been paid to bahria?
DHA valley was a Bahria project. Bahria failed to acquire the requisite land and had to to trade it with the now DHA-3.
As salam o alikum …. Any updates on this issue (Dha homes) … Its kinda fraud ??
And as u have mentioned “long term investors” idont no in Pakistan but rest of the world consider only 4 to 5 years not 45 years.
Kindly help me to get some information ..
What is the source of your information that 45% of land has been acquired?
An agent operating in DHA Islamabad is my source of information, if you wish to give him a call, here is his number: Saqib Ibrar 0302-5559499
I have a plot in Lily, do you have any idea about possession?
Farhan Shahid
Dear Farhan,
The possession of any block, even the built 5 marla DHA homes in DHA Valley, is not offered to the buyers. There is no information about it either, i am sorry.
Finally, you kept your promisse to write an article about DHA overall position. Appreciating your concern. However, i think instead of repenting on our decision of investment in DHA valley, we have to step forward and register our protest to DHA valley authorities. This will atleast give them awake up call that the time has changed and we cannot keep ppl dormant for a long time.
I doubt that protests can fix this situation, but it will pressurize the people involved.
may I have your contact pl MS Samra, I m a working journalist and working on a story related to DHA Valley..kindly sms 03215211073
@ Samra great article! as we being affected by DHA valley, actually grasp any straw of information we can get on this long over due project.
However, after going through your article, you say that the land for lilly, oleander, bluebell etc is acquired. Does that mean that these select blocks are safe and the remaining blocks’ fate is still undecided?
For long term investment, may be yes. But again, people are reluctant to buy property in an area facing such major issues.
Nice work Samra, my sons have 3 plots in DHA overseas valley (Bogonvelia). Is the article above is not about the overseas valley .. than kindly write some latest development in this valley.
Thank you Shahid Javaid sahb.
About 50% of land for Bogonvelia Block has been acquired so far. The delay in handing over possession to the owners of DHA Valley property is because of the halted work at DHA Expressway. Sadly, there is no development in DHA Valley, including the Bogonvelia Block.
The affecctees of DHA Valley should submit a petition in DHA Islamabad office and request the authorities to either offer them compensation or possession of their property. You must all coordinate to use your collective influence for getting the matter resolved.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
We are selling / purchasing of DHA Valley
5/8 Residential plots
4/8 marla commercial plots and
DHA Home 5/8 marla for a best offer contact
good article let me share it on my face book account……
Thank you Umar for liking our efforts.
Hi Samra,
For someone looking to invest in plots in the DHA Valley Islamabad, what is the best way of purchasing these without being ripped off. I know so many of my colleagues who sadly have had negative experiences when investing in Pakistan, a sad state of affairs when you consider Pakistan is an Islamic state and Muslims are supposed to be the most honest and trustworthy people!
I myself had a very shocking experience when I asked for the demographics of a plot I purchased in Wapda City, Faisalabad. It is a 1 kanal corner plot, in 2007 I paid 21 lakh for it. During a recent trip to Pakistan some of my relatives informed me that I should only have paid 10 lakh!
Going back to the site location plans and demographic information even though I have already paid the full amount when purchasing the plot, the Wapda City employee is asking for the following costs before he will supply me with the site location and measurements of the plot:
Please find below the charges for plot that I am being asked for:
1- Extra Area Rs. 28373 (Appr.) this is because my plot is 2 extra marla
2- Serves Charges Rs. 17850
3- Corner Fee Rs. 21600
4- Position letter Fee Rs. 4000
Whilst I can understand the request for payments of service and position letter charges, I am not too convinced about the other two fees. I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on the issues raised and offer some advise
Due to low pace of development and falling back on commitments of giving possession , many investors are very much behind on their installments and DHA is keeping on calculating surcharge on daily basis.
DHA must look into it and should give some relief to the long waited investors, instead of burdening them with surcharge.
Dear Asif
Housing societies always charge extra for extra space, corner plots and there are other dues to be submitted in form of position letter and services charges. If you have paid an amount other than this, that could be a matter of concern.
Please call Mr Mudassir Ahmed at 0301-8666806. He is the CEO of The Zameen Shop, an agency registered with Zameen.com. He will guide you about the process of payment including which charges are justified and which ones aren’t. Please don’t forget to give him the reference of Zameen.com.
Zameen.com is trying its best to help the overseas Pakistanis stay at bay from any property scam.
Have a good day Asif sahb.
Hi Samra,
Thank you for your advice it has been very helpful. It is good to see an organisation like Zameen helping to safeguard overseas Pakistanis.
I would like to share an interesting experience with you regarding the opening of a bank account in Pakistan. A few years ago, I went to a Pakistani Bank with my nephew, where I held a personnel account which I had to open when I purchased the plot of land in Wapda City. I was able to see the manager within 5 minutes ( a trick I learnt through previous journeys to Pakistan is speak in English!! when you want things done!!). Unfortunately the account had been closed since I had not used it for over two/three years, even though I had about 40,000 rupees in it. The Bank Manager apologised but explained closing the account was standard procedure in Pakistan banking system, the 40,00 rupees vanished into thin air! However, he was very kind and said he would be happy to open another account for me if I came back with my British passport and ID/NADRA card. Since i needed to have an account in Pakistan, I quickly went to the residence where I was staying and returned to the bank manger to open the account. Within two hours I had opened a new account!
My nephew who had been with me all the time and was a little agitated and asked the bank manager why it is that he was able to open the account for me so quickly when he and his colleagues had to produce a bundle of document and then had to wait a few weeks. The bank managers response was, Pakistanis living in England have a higher expectation of the services they receive and expect. Therefore, the bank manager treats us differently! I am sure you can appreciate my nephew was not too pleased specially when he always goes on about the networks/contacts he has with politicians and senior business people, which are necessary in Pakistan to get things done.
I told him not to be upset and if Pakistani people wanted to be treated differently in the future and receive a better quality of service, it was up to his generation to demand it, if necessary make sacrifices to achieve it!
Being an Islamic Country, the level of service, fairness and respect should be the norm for everyone, it should not be because you speak English. I sincerely hope that Pakistanis begin to live their lives according to the example of our Prophet Muhammed, peace and blessings be upon Him
Kind Regards,
You are right, we still get intimidated by foreign accents.
I have been in England all my life and have always been proud of my heritage. We as Muslims need to develop our Muslim Character and not be intimidated by anyone or any accent. The first lesson is to treat everyone equally regardless of their social status. Second lesson be fair and honest when dealing with each other. I believe Pakistan has so much potential but its people allow leaders who are not even qualified to polish your shoes lead you. Insha Allah things will change for the better.
I have lots of suggestions to increase investment from overseas business people into Pakistan, any advice on who to send this to. Even better, why doesn’t Zameen organise a conference specifically looking at this issue and enabling people from the development sector to contribute to a comprehensive strategy.
Hi Asif,
I am quoting the comment of a reader here, his comment will be of help:
murtaza Butt
October 15, 2014 at 12:34 am (Edit)
Dear I am also owner of a plot in faisalabad wapda city plot. All the charges mentioned by you are legal and genuine, as I myself have payed the same. Moreover rates in wapda city are very high now a days. U should not worry about these charges. Murtaza sadiq butt faisalabad.
Let me discuss this conference thing with the concerned people. I will get back to you.
Thanks Ms. Zulfiqar
I shall appreciate if anyone can give the broad idea of plot prices and of DHA Homes as well.
Kind Regards
For homes, follow this link:
DHA Homes
For plots, visit the following page:
DHA Valley plots
Hi Asif,
Accept my sympathies. Actually we (overseas Pakistanis) are are the sweet honey for the property dealers in PK, the same has hapend to me in Bahria & DHA. We living abroad usualy dont cheat anyone and dont pass false statements (if we do so, we could see jail because of strict imposition of law), when we are going to Pakistan, we also apply the same and expecting the same from ppl in Pakistan. Here we are getting bashed by the ppl because we trust that whatever they are saying is true and honest.
So avoid trusting Pk guys thats what i have learned from experience.
Sohail, please don’t say that, Pakistan is changing, we want to be known and treated differently now.
Being conscious and careful about money matters is very important, you cannot just let people cheat you.
Beside catering to the investment needs of the local buyers and sellers, Zameen.com’s
prime focus is to facilitate the overseas property investors. If you will deal through an agent listed with us, you are less likely to be defrauded.
Sohail, help us become better, don’t abandon us, we want to be known and treated differently.
Dear Samra,
I totally agree with you.
if sitting in faisalabad, I buy property from a dubious dealer in london without a single trip of the actual land, i should blame myself and not the dealer. handing over money without research is like inviting fraudster in any country. i get such emails to invest in jungles of brazil, student properties, parking lots and renting containers everyday from UK.
from an overseas pakistani
Well said Junaid!
Another factor that no one is talking about, is the Bahria Town!
I do not know why people are hesitating to mention this factor whereas it is well known to all?
The development will have to be done by Bahria Town as it is a JV between BT/Habib Rafique/DHA. But Malik Riaz has taken not Crores but Arabs of money from the *@#$% officials of DHA and spending it in BT phase-8…..read the daily Express story published some years before?
No one denied that story so far?
BT will never go fast on the development in valley as they have already started fight in Karachi as BT Karachi is on much faster pace than the historically slow DHA at all locations in Pakistan.
I appreciate this article which is in discussion but very much surprised why BT is not mentioned here?
Thank you Abdul Qayyum sahb for sharing this information.
Since the project’s name brands DHA, Bahria would like it very much to not take interest in it. But no matter how sharp the other party is, DHA will do what is necessary in due time and walk out unscratched. The reason why i didn’t mention this trio was because the piece focused primarily on the development status of the project.
Thank you nonetheless for sharing this information. You are welcome to shed more light on the matter.
Dear Samra
I hope this is Ur fair analysis. Everybody know that Malik Riaz took the money of
This project , he is busy in Karachi and all machinary moved to Karachi.
Malik Riaz wount let it successful project in his life.
Our Grandchildren may have these plots .
Don’t lose hope, you are more powerful and influential than you think.
Informative article Samra, I have plot in DHA overseas valley (Bogonvelia). Is the article above is not about the overseas valley . Please update us on overseas Bogonvelia block.
The land for Bogonvelia block is not fully acquired yet and hence there is no concrete development in this sector.
Since you are one of the affecctees of DHA Valley, you should coordinate with other victims and should submit a petition in DHA Islamabad office to request the authorities to either offer you the compensation or possession of the property. You must all coordinate to use your collective influence for getting the matter resolved.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
well laid out article on DHA valley.I had seen lot of DHA homes had been constructed,what will happened to them.i will request you to please say some thing about current /existing scenario of DHA homes .3-5 years seems to be a lot of time?
The possession of constructed DHA Homes has also not been handed over. Please read comment of Abdul Qayum sahb as he has shared information about what is hampering the pace of development work in DHA Valley.
Since you are one of the affecctees of DHA Valley, you should coordinate with other victims and should submit a petition in DHA Islamabad office to request the authorities to either offer you the compensation or possession of the property. You must all coordinate to use your collective influence for getting the matter resolved.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
Dear Samra,
I Applied for two plots in DHA VALLEY. After balloting, i was alloted two plots as follows
I was really in great tension and i was looking for some ones advice Iin this regards. I am bit relieved today to see your expert opinions on DHA VALLEY ISSUES
I paid partial payments( till 4th installments) against both the plots ie 227500/= and 297500/= only till August 2009 and stopped payments afterwards seeing the negative trends in their market values.
Please let me know if i can sell these plots or not and if yes can you give me the contact numbers of some dealers who can help me to sell these plots and recover my investments with some profits returns.
Dear Zafar,
I would not recommend the selling of these plots as the market right now is very slow in Islamabad, particularly in DHA Valley. For further guidance, please contact Mr Saqib Ibrar at 0302-5559499. He represents an estate agency trusted by Zameen.com
I would also recommend you to team up with other affectees to submit an application DHA Islamabad office about offering the plot owners of DHA Valley some compensation or do something concrete to offer them the possession of their property.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
Could u plz tell me whats going on with dha phase 2 ext .is it aslo under slow pace.any advice if I could invest any money in there. Thx
For that, you would have to wait. I will cover DHA Phase 2 in a separate article. If you want investment guidance, please call Saqib Ibrar at 0302-5559499
Dear I am also owner of a plot in faisalabad wapda city plot. All the charges mentioned by you are legal and genuine, as I myself have payed the same. Moreover rates in wapda city are very high now a days. U should not worry about these charges. Murtaza sadiq butt faisalabad.
It is good to know that property demand and activity in Faisalabad is rising.
M/s Samra Zulfiqar,
Your article is a job well done.Thanks.
There was a tiime when one would start by saying…..”I am the proud owner of a DHA-HOME”. But this is now changed to “I am the unfortunate owner of a DHA-HOME”. All because of the unprofessional way things are being done. All my payments have been made ( every installment on TIME) and am just waiting and waiting to receive possesion of my villa.
I am in Saudi Arabia since 1984 and retired in JUL/13.Since I do not have a place to live in.I had no choice but to continue my stay here. Its been one year since I am eating my savings.This money was to be spent on furnishing my villa and purchase of car etc etc. But thanks to the developers my plans are ruined.
Inshaallah all will be ok in the end. Amin!!
Masood Qureshi
Don’t lose hope Qureshi sahb.
Since you are one of the affecctees of DHA Valley, you should coordinate with other victims and submit a petition in DHA Islamabad office to request the authorities to either offer you the compensation or possession of the property. You must all coordinate to use your collective influence for getting the matter resolved.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
I am really sorry for the frustration and pain you are facing.
Hi Samra,
I am a regular reader / subscriber of Zameen newsletter. I shall be grateful if you or any of your colleagues can write a review on Foreign Office Employees Cooperative Housing Society it is adjacent to I-16 sector of Islamabad and is under RDA. In addition if you have any information with regard to Pakistan Housing Authority Foundation’s Kuri road housing project for government servants which has been considerably delayed. Thanks.
Regards, Tanveer
Dear Tanveer A Khaskheli,
I will certainly cover this locality in future, please stay tuned for that.
Dear Samara,
I’m really impressed by your comprehensive report on DHA valley, well done and keep the power of your writing up. I would request you to kindly write a report on Bahria town islamabad and lahore as lots of people have investments in these projects. Your view will provide authentic source of information. Kind regards
I will definitely do that Naeem Bangash sahb. Your feedback helps us know about the sort of reports you wish to read on our blog, please keep writing to us.
Thank you for liking our work.
Thanx for a very informative article.I agree with one of reader who mentioned to pressurize concerned authorities of DHAI regarding our concerns for dha valley as project is delayed beyond our expectations and tolerance and this is right time to raise our voice against this injustice.Tariq
Thank you Tariq Mahmood sahb,
If you are one of the affecctees of DHA Valley, you should coordinate with other victims and submit a petition in DHA Islamabad office to request the authorities to either offer you the compensation or possession of the property. You must all coordinate to use your collective influence for getting the matter resolved.
One such forum to get in touch with those who have invested in DHA Valley could be http://www.zameen.com/forum/. Affectees of DHA Valley are all educated people who know their rights and the right way to go about it. Use this strength of yours.
Thanx for showing concern for our problem.As you must be knowing there are thousands of affecties of dha valley and to coordinate with others we need a forum and we all be thankful if Zameen.com provides us a forum to cordinate with other affectees to aproach DHAI.Regards.Tariq
Join our forum, start a new conversation, coordinate with other affectees, and do what is needed.
Visit this page http://www.zameen.com/forum/, click on the “Ask Now” button available on the top left side and fill in the details to start new discussion on the forum.
Many investors and and buyers from Pakistan as well as overseas are active there, the rest can be invited through individual invitations.
You already have that forum, all you need to do is make use of it. Go a head with it Tariq sahb.
MS Samra
Quite Informative article , I have a plot in DHA Valley Overseas Block (Bogonvelia). Complete payment has been done. Is the article above stands good for the property mentioned. How can I dispose it off. Kindly update.
More over I have a home in Awami Villa in Bahria Town , Rawal Pindi details are as under
Bahria Town Villa #151, Sector 11, size – 5 marla premium. (2 bedrooms, Drawing/lounge, kitchen and bath. ( It is on the front side on the road. ) What is the market value if I need to sell it.?
With regards
Tafazzul Hussain
Dear Tafazzul Hussain,
The development work in Bogonvelia block is not that impressive, which makes the idea of selling this plot a bad one. To discuss it further, please call Saqib Ibrar at 0302-5559499.
Mr Saqib will also help you evaluate the market value of your home in Bahria Town Awami Villa. Do give him the reference of Zameen.com.
Thank you for liking our efforts in keeping you guys up-to-date about real estate projects of Pakistan.
Have a good day Tafazzul Hussain sahb.
Dear Ms. Samra,
I have one plot in Daisy Block of DHA valley islamabad. Do you know, if land has been acquired for this block or not? Or, is there any development in this block???
Would be thankful for your response!
Nice day!
Dear Shoaib,
This block in not included in the sector for which land has been fully acquired. Please note that the possession of the property where development is in progress will not be offered until DHA Expressway is completed. When construction work will resume on this road, the overall property rates in DHA Valley will increase.
If you are planning to sell this plot or discuss further possibilities with an expert, please call Saqib Abrar at 0303-5559499
Hi Samra
Few days back u wrote an analysis on Gawadar. linking the two analysis, will it be a good idea to sell an 8 marla plot in Marigold DHA valley for around 1million and replace it with a plot in Sanghar in Gawadar (of course adding 500-600k)?
after 10 yrs which one looks better.
Appreciate your advice.
Hello Junaid,
10 years is a long time and i hope that DHA Valley will manage to fix its issues in lesser time. By then, property here could become some of the most expensive in Islamabad but, would that be a match with the property in the most promising coastal city of Pakistan that can be decisive for the economy of the whole country? I can’t say. Even if DHA Valley property was doing unimaginably good right now, the expected returns on investment in Gwadar could still beat it.
I suggest you speak to Mr Nasir Jamal of Developers Associates for a better understanding of what’s going on in Gwadar. Call him at: 0321-3550646 or 021-35895891-4.
DHA valley is very good in terms of location. If it is developed honestly and with clear-cut objectives.
As per the prevailing rates, it could also prove as the best investment, if the crossword puzzle get solved.
RDA, Chaudhry Nisar, Malik Riaz, Big Generals (hard to add more on this) and HRL need to realize the suffering of the investors and be kind enough to conclude this drop scene.
DHA Valley/Extension is more than Islamabad and the game that is being played is so big that it is beyond our immigration.
When files in Lilly, Bluebell and Oleander (forgive me for bad spelling) jumped up to 8-10 lacs profit, there was flood of money brought in this venture. Everyone harvested his own pile of money and ran away. My sources say there were 4000 files were activated in one week taking the prices to sky high.
RDA’s Dhchoocha dam still remains as a playing instrument between the stake holders.
Another factor which has creped in, is that now the land owners, encouraged or not encouraged by BT, are stuck together and sitting there in valley….if you try to move deep into the controversial places, you take your life at risk.
What a nicely planned project and what a mess there now…. Only and only Malik Riaz can salvage this but DHA stupidly made him an enemy in Karachi…..what was He trying to do? Spending corores of Rs from his pocket to give a nice flyover to Karachi residents….Why DHA stopped him? They cannot develop fast as BT does? Or their DHA is located farther than BT Karachi or they are not capable to perform what a professional real-estate developer can? I would rather go for them, being dwarf when placed beside Bahria Town.
Making petition in DHA office will not do! Sorry, Samra!
The affectees need to go to the Supreme Court, not piece by piece but in a one go and hire the most capable lawyer to proceed with their case. There could be some hope at the other side of the dark tunnel.
The situation is more complicated than i thought, its ego matter now.
thanks for informations
You are welcome Saleem sahb.
Aoa…nice informative article, Samra plz give some information or write article about sector i-15 Islamabad which were announced in 2005 but still no development there…i have purchased plot in sector i-15 in 2005.
Give me some time Saba and i will find out what’s going in Sector I-15.
thanks, i am waiting for your response.
@Samra Zulfiqar……i will request you to please write on undeveloped areas …blocks .K…J…M. of bahria phase 8.. SPECIALLY THE J BLOCK ….THANKS.
Stay tuned for that DK.
Hi Samra,
Thank you for sharing informative article. Can you please share information that in which blocks DHA Homes are OR links to which blocks
You can call Mr Saqib to get this information: 0302-5559499
Dear Samra,
Thanks for the nice and comprehensive artile. How about Oleander block?
Land for Oleander Block has been acquired but no possession is offered and it won’t be offered before the access route to DHA Valley is approved and construction work begins here.
I have heard that DHA Valley will not offer the possession of these plots before it acquires the land it plans to acquire. Things are complicated here as more than one developer is involved in this project.
I don’t see any major development in DHA Valley in near future, Allah knows best and may he makes such arrangements that suit and benefit all the investors, amen.
Dear Madam,
can you give the idea of 5m cornor plot price?
can you please take comments/opinion from DHA Management (officials) about this long awaiting project, that is their any plan they may have to complete this (DHA HOMES/VALLY) …?
please note being a affectee, I am also awaiting some fact news to decide about this fully paid tension.
your expert opinion also required to help me to decide about ,how to get out from this trap .
advance thanks
That can be done, i will try and get in touch with someone from the DHA Islamabad and interview him regarding the delay seen in development and possession of DHA Valley. Please be kind to wait a while for that..
thanks ,
I will wait…….since being a overseas no other option I have .
Very nice way of composing annother “Kala bagh” Samra.(due appologies from affectees!).
I am also amongst affecteez as holding a plot of 8 m in Tulip fully paid except late payment charges which don’t get justified on the grounds that delay of Allotee is considered as delay but delay of DHA authorities is no delay at all !!
My apprehension is that possession of DHA valley would not be done for the blocks evben with comleted land acquisition. Reason is enormous pressure of thousands of allottees who would question their possession ( I mean rest of 55℅ and land taken for dam).
What seems coming’ is refund against blocks where No land a available.Mode and timing could be decided later. ( bank rate markup could be. applied). If DHA want to stay aawasy from further defame, they got to do it. Just my humble comments. Thanks again for a wonderfully assimilated analysis on state of affairs.
That sounds more serious and disappointing than many of us had imagined. What is your source of information?
Pls comment on land aquisition status of magnolia block DHA valley. i have a 4 marla commercial plot there (amount fully paid to DHAI, although i regret doing so)………………….and pls can u give an idea of the value of 4 marla commercials in the area specifically in magnolia block……..will appreciate…thx
Dear Sharjeel,
Although land for magnolia block has been acquired, the value of these block is constantly going down. We hope that things would become clearer by the first quarter of 2015, meanwhile, you can call Mr Saqib to discuss the available options about your property in DHA Valley. His number is 0302-5559499.
pls comment on magnolia block. i have a 4 marla commercial there…it current market value and future prospects…..thanks
The current market value of any property in DHA Valley is not impressive and for the obvious reasons. About future of your investment in DHA Valley, please call Mr Saqib at 0302-5559499.
Samra ji.
All these are my apprehensions only but investors must ensure that they don’t get cheated by rumours spread by Dealers and opportunists. No sources explained me all this.
No source of information is required to form such an pinion.In fact absence of DHA valley authorities from any sort of media is itself explaining it all. No Press Releases or investors conference, non deliverance in any of the Sectors. I mean DHA was never dumb like this.,They are on back foot.I pray that all blocks get developed as people paying installments have dreams for their families to settle in there. Why this much silence is beyond my imagination !
Silence amounts to yes when words are most needed. If any of the DHA authorities paying attention to these blogs, they must say some thing. At least they should issue a Tentative schedule.
Believe me I am not frustrated but for how long.
Looks like i have to speak to some DHA -I representative and try to find out what options are they considering to attend to DHA Valley issue.
That would be great of you Madam.
Yesterday, I made a telephone call at UAN number of DHA-I and representative there informed ” Space for Dam was already segregated at the time of Planning and the real issue was between Government of Punjab (GOP) and DHA-I as to who would make that dam. GOP is not interested in the said dam construction and DHA-I would complete that dam ”
Plus DHA-I are hopeful to give possession of some of the Blocks in 2015″
Thank you for sharing this valuable information here. Sharing the DHA-I’s UAN number here might help other people inquire about their respective plots.
Dear Bloggers
Please find helpline details of Defence Housing Authority, Islamabad
UAN: +92 51 111 555 400
Fax: +92 51 5188086
It could help all getting the latest status.
We appreciate Ms Samra Zulfiqar on the way, she is helping the Blog. Let me wish us good luck, if things get on Track in the shape of promises fulfilled by DHA Valley-I Authorities.
We know that army officers are being shifted/have been shifted from DHA-2 Extension to DA-4 [DAH-1 Extension].
This shifting alone is telling a lot!
They initially got one Kanal files at Rs 40-42 lacs in sector M (located deep in Rawalpindi) and got their plots shifted to front area where same plot is now costing 70-80 lacs.
Who cares about us?
We do, Qayyum Sahb 🙂
Let’s stop being emotional about it and handle the matter in manner that can be productive and help us lessen our frustration instead of augmenting the feeling of being totally helpless.
You are right Samra but when someone decides to give his almost whole life hard earned savings to someone who performed well in the similar venture and later on gets in return nothing…..just nothing but a dead silence…One is likely to be a little emotional.
What would cost them by telling the truth?
In this world people succeed, people fail, people do mistakes but the ones who get filtered out by showing truthful attitude, always get respected and achieve successes even after failures.
Bahria town had seen many bad times, delays and it still does but why BT is still success?
As per my experience, whenever I visited them to ask about my investments during every thick and thin, I always got a justified answer…..but DHA having piles of money is deadly silent ONLY in Valley and DHA-2 extension.
They are quite bearable in OTHER Rawalpindi/Islamabad projects, such as DHA-2/DHA-4 and even in DHA-3, they have been telling truth so far, meaning problems with Aghosh and other related stuff.
Ask them why DHA-2 commoners town is still only 60 per cent developed and get me a good answer!
I will rest my case, Samra?
If I hurt the web ethics, Samra, I am sorry, I really do!
Abdul Qayyum sahb, i plan to give DHA representatives a call and try to get their take on this delay etc.
About web ethics, you dint hurt any. In fact, i am happy that you are using this platform to speak out your mind and make a difference.
Take care sir.
Dear Samra
First of all I must appreciate you on not just a very comprehensive article updating us on the status of the DHA Valley but also on the effort you put in reading every comment and answering very well to the best of your knowledge. It is a difficult job.
Assuming you might have more information that could be accommodated in this article, can you comment on the following two queries:
1- Is 100% land acquired in the blocks you mentioned in your article i.e. Lilly, Oleander, Magnolia, Sunflower, Tulip, Zinnia, Marigold, Bluebell, and Lavender Blocks?
2- Do you have any update on the percentage of land acquired in Rose, Lotus and Daffodils blocks?
Best Regards
Dear Wajahat,
Thank you for appreciating the portal’s commitment in assisting its clientele.
In Zinia, Lavender and Marigold blocks, about 50% land has been acquired while in the rest of block almost 100% land is with DHA Valley.
In Lotus and Daffodils, DHA Valley has not acquired any land yet, while Rose Block so far has 40% of the land.
The experts from the industry are suggesting people to take their money out of the project and invest else where, for instance Bahria Enclave Islamabad where property rates are likely to increase notably by the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015. If you are also thinking on these lines, you can talk to Mr Saqib Abrar: 0302-5559499.
Dear all,
Having read your blog I’m slightly confused as I had no idea all these issues were here. I have an 8 marla plot in marigold I’m pretty sure we have an allotment paper and handover??
However I am concerned as I need to sell my plot due to financial issues. I’m hoping for the best outcome however I am not feeling very hopeful
Hi Taiba,
You should discuss the matter with Mr Saqib Abrar: 0302-5559499
Dear Samra,
I have a plot allocated in DHA valley Glaxonia block , and I’ve paid all installments , even the last one as I paid it in advance with the second last installment , before they sent out the notice to not pay the last instalment
Can you give any advice on how one can recover the investment made ?
Do you see blocks like Glaxonia getting developed within the next 5 years ?
Thanks for writing this blog
5 years is a long period and expecting things to get better by then sounds reasonable. Recovery of investment is possible only when the rates in DHA Valley go up and right now the situation is not good. If you wish to sell this plot or discuss your options, you should give Mr Saqib Abrar a call: 0302-5559499.
kindly guide me wether it would be good to buy plot in airport housing society rwp or in jinnah gardens in a range of 1million to 1.6 million now
I would need some time to research on the requested housing societies. Please be kind enough to wait a while.
I have a plot in DHA valley plot size 8 Marla Block IRIS give approxmattly price
I have to ask some agent to evaluate your property, please give me some time and i will get back to you.
Dear Nadeem Ahmed,
Only 20% of land has been acquired so far in DHA Valley Iris Block. The price right now is the same on which it was offered to the buyer. It is roughly PKR 900,000.
Dear Ms. Samra,
Nice article, can you please update about the land acquisition of Jasmine DHA Velley block. any idea about current value/profit of 8 marla file of jasmine
You should give mr saqib a call, he would be able to help you with this information.
His number is 0302-5559499
DHA has been unable to acquire any land in Jasmine Block, which means that the value of 8-marla file stands on the same level on which you bought it. It is about PKR 900,000.
Dear Samra,
Thanks for writing such an informative and comprehensive article. Your initial write-up and information contained in subsequent discussion in the blog is helping all readers. I wish the Valley Management should now come forward and give out factual position of land acquisition and development of all blocks and tentative timeline of its completion and possession.They owe it to the members.
my interests are in Bluebell and Oleander where I have 8M res and 8M commercial plot from original allotment. Both are fully paid till last installment. Can you possibly guess their price as of now and as to when can these be profitable enough. Also please advise what should I do; hold them or dispose them off. Thanks
Khalid sahb,
Although Oleander and Bluebell block are some of the most developed blocks, the rates here are not rising. The main reason behind the dropping property value in DHA Valley is the delay in handing over the possession.
If you would talk to some real estate consultant, he would advise to sell these plots as soon as you find a decent deal. But the fact remains that no one right now is offering any reasonable deal for DHA Valley property.
No one has a clue about when the possession would be offered here, which is why there is hardly any buyer for DHA Valley. However, since Bluebell block is the best of all blocks in DHA Valley, chances of finding a buyer for the plot here are higher. I suggest you give Mr Saqib Abrar a call and discuss your options: 0302-5559499.
I want to sale 8 marla plot in marigold block. I called mr saqib but his number is going off. Contact me 03009144551
Hi Samra – Its very nice to see that you are replying to almost everyone. This shows your conerns about your readers. Thank you so much.
As far as valley is concerned, some ppl are advising to hold your investment and some are advising to through them away. We are retaining our investement in valley since 5/6 years and now we are bit scared also to sell because as we may sell and DHA announce possession tomorrow and we end up thinking what we have done after 5/6 years.
We want DHA to meet their committments and deliver this project to the public. Breaking Fast at the time of Asr is not an option now.
Today I visited DHA valley through Dha Officials. I am not much convinced although but I was told possession of developed blocks expected in 1 and half year , and possession of DHA homes in next year. its location and composite commercial area of valley and DHA -2 in start give positive prospects of future.
Regards Naeem
they are also fraud
when what?????????????????
Zameen do u know how to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this arshad guy is right all of these people working on this are cheaters and are fraud. u are supporting them by saying this. these people don’t know how to run this, who cares if they have this and that education what matters is that i am not giving my property for this junk.
i don’t get it can’t this Update on DHA Valley Islamabad – Zameen Blog tell the full answer? so when what??????? 😛 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
In 2016, DHA Management plans to offer possession of some blocks and DHA Homes by 2016. What is that you dont get about it? 🙂
They never even updated the pictures or videos they are all out dated. I bet you that those pictures and videos aren’t even real; That Mr.Raja guy is not even telling the truth. Wow they sure have lots of knowledge(i am being sarcastic). I bet they never even past Grade 1 in elementary school. Plus,in 2007 i bought a plot in DHA VAlley,Islamabad and know it’s 2014 and the price is going more down. There is no good news about how the development is going they never updated this blog. What are you going to tell me Zameen ????????????? :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X :X 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I will see what i can do about pictures of DHA Valley.
What is the land acquisation state of SUNFLOWER block…??
What is the done development pecentage in same block…??
What is your gut feeling about the future of this project with in next 3-4 years ..??
Dear Wasi,
Please read the following post to get latest update on DHA Valley:
Good article from samra, I completely agree
aoa samra,can u give some information on possession of plots at rafi block extension 10 marla and likely price after getting possession?
Rafi Block? In DHA Valley? Is there any Rafi Block in DHA Valley, i haven’t heard of it.
DHA Valley, is turning out to be death valley for many investors.
What we are hearing is from you guys, and DHA is tight lip about he whole issue and seemingly you can’t fight with them.
Nevertheless, what the update!!
Let the fresh air come!!
any update for bluebell possession….. plz update breifly
Dear Muhammad Sikander,
The authority has not announced the possession date as of yet but whenever the possession will be offered, Bluebell has great chances of being in the list since the block is much more developed than any other block in the Valley.
Glad to read your article.
I am
Impressed that you have actually answered so many people with consistency and signposting them to other sources .
Well done. I too have bought and forgot this land as may be 10 years down the line I may expect some reasonable yields once Bharia and others in the locality have saturated DHA valley will surely reap.
I hope so too Asima but honestly speaking the chances are thin that Bahria will find itself ready to cooperate with other developers and not take them as competitors.
To address the concern of DHA Valley’s investors, the three developers involved have to cooperate. I have a feeling that DHA too is hopeless about getting this sort of cooperation and has thus decided to develop they project itself. We see progress at the site and it is of course slow.
Let me get some update on it and it will soon do a piece on it.
Samra Zulfiqar
Please shed more light on Bogan Vella / Magnolia Blocks…?
How much of the work has progressed, apart from acquiring the land issue. Which only GOD seems
to know.
Assad Raza
Ye information ap ko Mr Saqib Abrar se millay gi: 0302-5559499
AOA samra what about elgantine block please update on it.
W/S Salman,
Land for Eglantine has been fully acquired, the average rate of 8-marla there is Rs 1,000,000.
I expect that its possession will be offered by 2016.
What about the dam? I heard the dam will take atleast 25% area and DHA is out of money.Also, DHA stll hasn’t finished developing phase 2 extension?I personally think its better to sell because in few years no one will buy it.
Who knows Syed sahb k kal kia ho. The project is frustrating all of those who invested there and they don’t have access to official information source.
Any updates for eglantine block in DHA. please update briefly .
thnx and nice article
Land for Eglantine has been fully acquired, the average rate of 8-marla there is Rs 1,000,000.
I expect that its possession will be offered by 2016.
Hi Samra, brilliant work, please keep it up. I have invested in two Plots in DHA Valley. also anybody please share your views on Eden Land project. I haves 10 marks plot there but it seems a big fraud.
Eden projects are mistrusted by people and they have valid reasons of their own. You should invest only after doing a thorough market research.
It’s a brilliant article.
Can u shed some light on the latest trend of price of DHA valley. What are chances of Tulip sector. What is current rate for 8 marla plot
DHA has acquired 100% land for Tulip block and as soon as they offer possession, chances are high that Tulip Block would be included in those blocks. The rate of 8-marla there is about PKR 1,300,000.
When will we gain possession of lily block
If you ask the DHA-I representatives, they would tell you 2 to 3 year and if you will ask me, i would say that they right now have no plans to offer possession of any block in valley. I am sorry Haroon, i am also frustrated at how they don’t answer the particulars and drag the discussion on how low the rates are and how today is the time to buy property there.
Have they aquired land of Iris sector. What is current rate for 8 marla plot?
Hi danyal,
Iris block is one of the farthest from the central and main areas of DHA Valley and therefore property rates there are the lowest. the average rate of 8-marla there is PKR 900,000. The Authority hasn’t fully acquired the land for Iris Block, the last time i asked, they had 20% land acquired.
Dear Samra Z
Much appreciated the blog. Can you let us know the status of Sunflower, Sunflower overseas, Oleander, Boganvilla, We have invested in around fifteen 8 marla plots in general and overseas blocks!
Really frustrated with the current situation!
Kind Regards
Except for Bougainvillea, 100% Land has been acquired in these blocks and it is very likely that as and when the authority decides to give possession in some blocks there, these block would be included in them.
The situation is the same for all blocks. I am trying to get in touch with some officials who can tell me the DHA’s plans with this project, let’s see what happens.
AOA MS Samra
Thanks for your quick response. I was going through my records and found I have also one plot in Magnolia. Please let me know if DHA has acquired land for this block/sector.
In addition, I would like to know the societies in Lahore to invest 50 lakh/05 Million for short term!
Thanks & Regards
Nasir yar khan
Mr Nasir, DHA has acquired all land for Magnolia Block. You have done some heavy investment in Valley, May Allah protect and nourish it.
About investment in Lahore, i would always suggest DHA since price appreciation of all kinds of property there is confirmed. If you can invest in files, my suggestion would be to buy a couple of 5-marla files in DHA Phase 9 for short term investment.
For more details, check out these articles:
Dear Ms. Samra
Thanks for your quick response! I was going through my records and found I have one plot in Magnolia block as well. Do you know the status of this as well!
In addition, I would like to invest PKR 50Lakh/ 5 million in Lahore housing societies plots for short term basis i.e. one to two year max! Please guide.
Kind regards
What is the current status of development in Marigold block? How much land has been acquired in this block?. Thanks
At the moment, the development focus is on DHA Expressway and bridge etc. The last time i checked, more than 50% of land was acquired for Marigold block.
Possession denay ka jub tak decide nai ho ga, developed honay k bawajood blocks ki value considerably nai bahr sakti.
aoa for all DHA valley owners
All DHA valley owner inform you that last Govt. PPP Asif Ali Zardari (X-President) sign the DHA status change from Rural to Urban, but the possession till wait…….. from DHA authority Islamabad. DHA valley fail to complete the commitment when they sale the plots to people of Pakistan.
It’s very interesting article. I just wanted to know the status of Sunflower and Mangolia Block. I will be grateful for a quick update.
Best Regards
Hi Waqar, article tou ap ne parha nai and you still found it interesting 😛
The authority has acquired land in Sunflower and Magnolia Block and development work is also in advance stages there. Many such blocks are now waiting for the balloting. DHA hasn’t shared details about the balloting date.
can you tell how much land dam will consume
i want to invest 2 million.
what do you suggest
Hi Samra,
Can you please update me on the completion of DHA Expressway in context of DHA Homes, What are the future prospects?
Dear can you update on the progress of commercial plot 4M in MAGNOLIA sector and also what about the land acquisition and developmet details of his sector. Regards
please tell me about jasmine block
How is this going to affect prices in DHA Valley ?
Islamabad highway: Widening project up for approval
http:// tribune. com. pk/story/866219/islamabad-highway-widening-project-up-for-approval/
http:// nation. com.pk/ islamabad/08-Apr-2015/islamabad-expressway-widening-project-on-the-cards
can anyone tell which block of valley is best for investment
Malak Raiz and Kamran Kiyani will soon in Prison…In Sha Allah. Read the shocking news. How they use money of DHA Valley in Australia.
Can anyone share his view about the increase in prices of DHA valley plots, how many years are further required to complete the development?. Also, which blocks are located particularly in the 55% land that is still not acquired or under litigation.
Hi Samra,
Any details on DAISY block? I have 8-marla residential plot in DAISY and 4-marla commercial in Boganville.
how should I hope for these? Please update, thanks
Call Mr Saqib Abrar at 0302-5559499 to get market rate as well as discuss the current status of DHA Valley.
Dear Samra
Been following ur blog since 2014, but participating for first time. It seems now is the high time to invest in valley project. plz recommend some good dealers.
You should talk to Mr Saqib Abrar at 0302-5559499.
I would recommend you to do thorough market research before jumping into a project like this one.
By the way, why do you its now time to invest there?
thanks for the blog,its very informative , please keep us posted.
Dear Samra Zulfiqar,
I have a plot in Gloxinia, Kindly tell me Gloxinia block status?
Yesterday Malik Riaz asked interview with Saleem Safi they will start giving possession in December 2015. if its true (inshallah) what are the block names which will be handed over first.?
Waiting for your reply
Please call Mr Saqib Abrar at 0302-5559499. He deals in DHA Valley and can give you an exact update in this regard.
dear Madam
my name is irfan and currently I am living in UAE, I have a file in Dha Bogenvilla, please can you please let me know updated status.
waiting for your kind reply.
thanks and Regards
Irfan Ali
Dear Samra
Is there a similar blog on Bahria town phase 9 Rawalpindi ?
Kindly let us know.
thank you & regards
Please update me about the Bahria Enclave sector N as I am looking to invest my hard earned money to live there, when they will allow construction and is it a good time to buy
Goody Samara,
Please I have a couple of question,i am completely in dark.
1-Is DHA Valley is real project (not a scam)?
2-I had a plot in Iris block.As per your expert opinion,if DHA acquire only 20% land for this block.What will be possible outcome for rest of 80% plot owners?
3-Latest update about DHA-Valley.
Dear Samra,
How’s situation in DHA-2?
Dear affectees of DHA valley Islamabad.
There is another world outside this forum. Wikipedia knows DHA valley in a way better than most of us. Try it to search by yourself. Mafias ruling this project is stronger than your imagination. Not a big deal for such mafia to buy courts and authorities.they are involved in white collar corruption of billions and we are so helpless but not Allah.
I don’t see any Govt. or outside agency coming to our rescue. Is liay ab sabr ke elawa kuch nahi ho sakta kyun keh Insaf braay frokht hay.
So please don’t attach much hopes to pre planned interview of Malik Riaz with Saleem Safi .Channels get their share and don’t expose scams like DHA valley. Bqol shair yeh machli talaab se bohat brri hay. Aaj 27th Rammzan ki raat hay aao sub mill ker toba kartay hain
Brother, its wrong. Visit the site and you will relaize the actual situation. Work is in full pace now.
1. in the begining DHA did not mentioned that Malik Riaz (Bahria Town) and Habib Rafiq are the partners in DHA VAlley.
2. That time Bahria Town reputation was not good and there was a slump in real estate and bahria Town failed to sale their files so they involve DHA to sale their lands with the label of DHA.
3. Why DHA paid 52 BN to Malik Riaz ?????
4. is the speed of development in the other sectors of DHA is same ???
5. Why the Army Officials are silent in this scam ????
1. Actually no housing scheme disclose the name of construction company from the beginning.
2. Brother, even at time, Bahria prices was good in 2008-2009.
3. Bharia already handed over its one major society to DHA in lieu of half the mentioned amount. Some of DHA 2 Ext owners will get their land in that society.
4. Initially they are on the initial blocks. Some of sectors already too much developed. In the end, they will lay proper roads.
5. Present pressure on Bahria to develop this society is only due to that retired army officers whose application was accepted by Gen Raheel Sharif and on the instructions on Chief, Malik Riaz is bound to start hand over from Dec 2015.
Any update on Lavender Block?
I have 5 Marla plot, how much is the worth of it?
plz give any update about development and possession of sunflower block
baad marnay k tum jo meri kahani likhna
kaise katba banaya DHA valley ne mera likhna
(Malik Riaz and some corrupt army officers are ruining Thousands of people and Billions of rupees and
no one has dare to ask for their right..))
and author is sugegsting wait AND NOT GIVING TIMELINE
that time i think will be endless as no one in Federal Government is supporting corruption of
<Malik Riaz (shaitan) …and that shaitan Malik is now showing his social work on TV by spending crores…
He will be behind bars in few months and development of DHA valley will be a dream forever..
So dont hope for the luck we should make a forum and protest against that…
Dear All
DHA announced possession date 15.12.2015 in today 28.10.15 Daily Jang
Hi. I paid money to DHA not Bharia OR Habib. They don’t even tell you any thing. No letter No email nothing.
Akbar Scotland
the thing is that the development in dha is so slow even someone want to occupy his her home he she dosent know when there will be population here…….and inhabitants will live and other fasilities would be avalaible around no idea may be after 1 year or may be after 10 years .property here is at risk .The second problem is i have listened is tht people say this land is controversial its a forest land or dam land and houses here will be demolished for dam and so pepole owning a prperty here are at a great risk ………i dont know whats true or whats not i also wanted to buy a house here due to these cheap prices but after hearing these rumors around i have stopped myself………
Any update on development plan on DHA Valley blocks?
What block is the best one for investment at this stage ?
Which plot size is best for investment 5/8 Marla ?
great information is shared above
In march 2016 i visited DHA homes, many of the houses looked ready for possession, i have also seen the show homes .On the face of that was the only place in DHA valley where one can see a lot of activity and heavy machinery in action from the kind of activity it looked that they have intentions of delivering the project.
but rest of the DHA valley was slow and most of the property dealers at least i talked to were having a bad opinion about DHA valley even as a 3-5 year investment.
Dear Ms. Samra,
I have one plot in IRIS Block of DHA valley islamabad. Do you know, if land has been acquired for this block or not? Is there any positive update ???
Would be thankful for your response!
Nice day!
Hello Ms Smara
What is the final update of DHA Valley when we will get the possession. I have 1 plot in Zinia B
I m from uk please only contact the owner no dealer please just email me the detail thanks
DHA-Velly Commercial 4-Maral Oleander Block, On my own name, All the payments cleared, Price 5,500,000
I am holding plots in DHA valley and completed the payment long time back. I don’t know how to get the allotment letter. Can you please help.
What if i want to sell them, i need the current prices and the process to sell them.