Home » Home Decor » How to Remove Paint Stains from Floors?
– Types of Paints
– Tips to Remove Paint Stains
Have you recently painted the walls and ceiling of your room? A paint job can make any room look like new, even helping you make a small room look bigger than it is if you choose the right hues. Sadly, no matter how carefully you cover the floors of the room, you will always find a few stubborn drops of paint that have found their way onto your floor, past the sheet of plastic or cloth that was covering it. Don’t worry though, because this post is all about how you can remove paint stains from floors with ease!
Types of Paints Used in Homes

Before you even begin the removal of paint stains from the floor, you need to determine which kind of paint was used on the walls. There are two types of paints commonly used in Pakistan:
- Oil-Based Paints
- Water-Based Paints
Let’s discuss each of these types of paints below.
Oil-Based Paints
Commonly used on exterior walls, oil-based paints offer a weather-resistant finish and a glossy sheen. They are used indoors as well, in humid climates, due to their durability. They take longer to dry but can be harder to remove from all kinds of surfaces, requiring chemical solvents for efficient removal of paint stains from surfaces. These chemicals can include kerosene, turpentine, acetone, or a range of other paint thinners.
While removing stains of oil-based paints is totally possible with a lot of hard scrubbing, the paint thinners can rob the original flooring of its colour and appeal, which is why you should always test a small and inconspicuous area first to check the results. Moreover, remember to wear gloves and a mask when working with chemicals, and to keep the area well ventilated to avoid suffocation due to the fumes.
Water-Based Paints
In contrast, water-based paints are frequently used indoors. They offer a quicker drying process, and while they may not be as durable as the alternative, they’re generally easier to clean. Often, a dishwashing liquid and water solution and a clean rag are all you need to clean up after the paint job.
You also should keep a sharp flat scalpel, blade, or knife with you while removing stains of water-based paints, as you may need to carefully scrape off some of the dried paint from your flooring to make the job easier. However, try scraping off the paint from a small area first to ensure that it will not damage the floor before you continue.
Tips to Remove Paint Stains from Floors
Changing the colour scheme of the room is one effective way of renovating your interior. While you can use our beginner’s guide to paint your home’s interior, every paint job requires some preparation before and some clean-up after the job is done. It’s easy to prepare your walls and ceilings for a paint job using these tips and now that you know which paint has been used inside your room, here is how you can get rid of paint stains that you might find on different types of flooring after the job is done:
- Carpet
- Wood
- Tile
- Linoleum
We’ll discuss the tips to remove paint spatters from each of these types of flooring in detail,

If you’re painting a room with a carpeted floor, you need to cover up the carpet entirely using old sheets of cloth or plastic. Moreover, aim to remove the paint while it is still wet. Here’s how to remove a paint stain from a carpet
For Wet Paint
- Start blotting wet paint using a damp paper towel or soft cloth
- Try to gently pick up as much paint as you can off the surface, without smearing it further onto the carpet
- Use vinegar or nail polish remover to lighten the stain after blotting
- Test a small area of the carpet first to ensure that your chosen cleaning agent will not ruin your carpet’s colouring
For Dry Paint
- If the paint is completely dry, use a paint remover to dampen the stain
- You can also use glycerine as a means of softening the dried paint
- Scrape off the paint once it is softer, using a spoon or a scraper with a blunt edge to avoid damaging the fibres
- Blot the area with a clean, wet cloth dipped in vinegar or paint remover to completely remove the stain
For Oil-Based Paints
- For oil paints, use turpentine as a paint remover, blotting the stain with a cloth dipped in the chemical
- Do not scrub the stain at all, as this will only push it deeper into the carpet fibres
- Once the stain is gone, a mixture made with one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and two cups of cold water can be used to spot clean the carpet.
For Water-Based Paints
- Mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of mild dishwashing detergent
- Blot the area with the mixture
- Let the area dry once the stain is gone and vacuum it later
Need to clean paints stains from wooden flooring? Well, if the paint is wet, a quick wipe with a clean cloth might prevent the wood from staining or the paint drying up on the surface, but if you notice paint spatters on hardwood flooring after the fresh coat of paint has dried off, here’s what to do:
- Sanding hardwood flooring is one of the best ways to get rid of stains and scratches
- Use sandpaper for a small spot or rent an electrical sander from the local hardware store for a larger area
- Sand the wood, following its grain
- If a thick blob of paint dried up on the wood, it will make your sandpaper sticky after a few swipes, and you will have to switch to a new one
- You can consider using a scraper instead, for water-based paints
- After sanding/scraping, moisten a clean rag with paint thinner for oil paints or dishwashing liquid solution for water-based paints and blot the stain
- Continue to blot the area to remove any remaining paint
- Polish the wood flooring again with this DIY guide

It’s pretty easy to remove paint from tiled flooring when it’s fresh. Simply use a rag dipped in paint thinner and wipe the surface clean. For paint that’s dried off though, you’ll have to check out the steps below:
- Firstly, if your tiles are glazed, consider using a scraper to remove the blobs of paint that have dried up
- Be careful and test this in a small area though, as you might damage the glazing in some tiles with this method
- If this doesn’t work because the paint is stubbornly stuck to the tiles or if you face the risk of damaging the glazing, you’ll need to soften the paint
- Add a cup of vinegar and water into a pan and bring it to a boil
- Dip a clean cloth into the solution and spread it over the stain
- You should be able to scrub the stain off with another cloth or a nylon brush once the paint softens
- You can also consider applying paint thinner to the spot and letting it soak into the paint before scrubbing
- Once the paint is removed, mop the floor with warm water to clean the tiles completely
While vinyl or linoleum floors look just like wooden flooring, removing paint stains from them can be tricky. It is important to avoid scrubbing and damaging the surface of the linoleum as you clean it. You can easily wipe off wet paint with a rag dip in paint thinner, but if you’ve let the paint dry up on the surface, here’s what to do:
- Start with a mild mix of dishwashing liquid and warm water to blot the stain
- Alternatively, use a paint thinner like turpentine or nail polish remover to blot out tougher stains
- Be careful not to use paint thinners excessively as this will dull the finish of the linoleum
- Any thick residue can be removed using a plastic scraper to avoid scratching the surface
Now you know how to remove paint stains from floors successfully so that the unsightly paint spatters do not destroy the aesthetic appeal of your room. Keep reading more helpful home décor tips on Zameen Blog. You can also send us your feedback, comments, and suggestions at blog@zameen.com.